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liza pov

people are kinda like buildings. some short. some tall. all different colors and designs. some sell clothes. others sell food. we are all unique and we all have different uses, but once you take away the paint, we are all the same. thats what people need to notice. we are all buildings. we may have different emotions, skin color, ethnicity, but if we take all those things away we are all blank canvases with no purpose. no paint. the same damn people.

i put down the notebook and sigh. i pick up my camera and continue taking pictures. i was on my balcony attached to my one-bedroom apartment. i switch out the lens and adjust my position to take a picture. la really is beautiful this time of the year. i hear the click of my camera and look at the picture i had just taken. it looks as if someone had paused time. people walking into the many buildings. open signs only showing " O P ". a flock of birds flying over the street. i look up from my camera. i see a bird flying right above my head. all of a sudden i'm ducking my head and dropping my camera. i reach my hand to the top of my head before quickly pulling away.

"stupid bird"

i then go to pick up my camera to not find it on my balcony. a puzzled look appears on my face, which is quickly replaced with horror. i run off the balcony to my front door and down the stairs. i'm mentally praying my camera isn't broken while i'm sprawling down my apartment complex stairs. i reach the front entrance and burst through the doors onto the busy sidewalk. i go to the place my camera most likely could've dropped to find nothing. i then feel a tap on my shoulder and slowly turn around.

im fully facing the person who tapped my shoulder and see a boy, around my age, holding my camera. he has brown hair that defiantly needs a cut. his eyes match his hair, big brown globes looking straight at me. on top of his head is a plain black hat that is covering most of his hair. i assume his favorite color is black seeing that both his pants and shirt are the dark color. i look back up at him and see that he is still staring at me.

"oh um thank you," i reach for my camera and see him pull his hand away. i raise one of my eyebrows at him.

"you aren't getting your camera until i get your number."

he cant be serious. i sigh, "you're lucky i love that camera."

as i'm adding my contact to this stranger's phone he asks me my name.

"liza koshy."

"cute name," i blush for some unknown reason. "i'm dobrik. david dobrik." did he really just make a jason bourne joke? i, sadly, laughed.

i hand back his phone and he hands me my camera.

"you should really be more careful with a camera like that. they're expensive as hell."

"ok mom," i roll my eyes and smile.

"if i was your mom, i would've made you wash your hair by now."

i mentally slap my forehead remembering the idiotic bird from a few minutes ago. i turn towards the front entrance.

"i'll see you later!" i hear him call. "maybe without any bird shit on your head." everybody turns to look at him, but he just laughs.

before bolting through the doors and up to my apartment, i turn around and yell, "thats a shitty thing to say, dobrik!"

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