Secrets (1/2)

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Title: Secrets (1/2)
Type: Unknown
Warnings: Murder, mentions of alcohol/physical abuse
Word Count: 1,194
Pairing: Oswald Cobblepot/female reader
Parts: 2
Song(s) Used: I Come With Knives - IAMX

You were currently backstage getting ready for your 'concert' for the night. You were the lead singer for one of the most popular bands in Gotham City and you mostly performed at Oswald's, a club ran by the new leader of the underworld. The crowds at the club were always welcoming and fun which allowed you to get more involved with them. You talked with Penguin every now and then and he always made room on the schedule for you to perform. Sure, he also ran the Iceberg Lounge but that didn't stop him from visiting his first club at the same time. You noticed during your time working there that he takes turns between Oswald's and the Iceberg Lounge which was nice. There was somewhat a routine. Multiple smaller bands performed and then yours was the 'finale', playing until the club closed, similar to an actual concert.

"You're on in five." One of the managers alerted you and the other members. In between bands, they switched out equipment and made last-minute adjustments as the performers prepared themselves which is what you were currently doing. You walked over to the other members who were conversing and tuning their instruments and clapped your hands together.

"Alright, do we all remember the order?"

"(Y/n), we've practiced so much I'm pretty sure it's embedded into my brain." Neil, the bass guitarist, mused making you giggle.

"Just checking." In your band, there was a drummer (Alton), guitarist (Gina), bass guitarist (Neil), electro pianist (Dillon), and you, the singer. The five of you met in high school and hung out with each other, learning that each of you guys had a musical interest which didn't happen that often. Later on, you started making cover songs as a group and eventually created your own band, performing and evolving up until now. It wasn't until a few minutes later that you heard someone on the microphone getting the crowd hyped up.

"Now, we all know the real reason you all came here," The person began and you heard the crowd scream. "Trust me, I won't let you wait any longer. Give it up for Dilemma X!" The lights in the main area turned off and the four other members walked out onto the stage, unknown to the crowd. You heard Alton tap the bass of the drums a couple of times before a familiar tune started to play and the crowd clapped in sync. Adrenaline started to flow through your veins as you waited a couple of seconds before you walked out onto the stage and the crowd shouted and screamed, the drums in the song kicking in as the lights started blaring and flashing.

"The paradox of our minds. Too much to believe, too much to deny," You started to sing and the crowd joined in. As you continued, your eyes skimmed over everyone and you saw Penguin sitting in the front off to the side with a drink in his hand and a smile on his face. You took the mic from its stand and slowly walked over to his side of the room on the stage but focused on the people in front of you, reaching down and touching/grabbing some of their hands while you sang. When you were close to him, the chorus hit and you moved to the beat, bending over to look and him and the others.

The night continued like this for about an hour until your last song came to an end. "Thank you so much," You said into the microphone before walking off to the backstage with the other members. The five of you talked about the show, goofing off every now and then when you heard someone else walk into the area. You turned around and saw Penguin limping over to you.

"I must say, that was one of your best shows yet." He complimented.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me," You smiled. "I swear that you have the best crowds. They're always so welcoming."

"What can I say? There's a good atmosphere here," It was quiet for a few moments when Gina piped in.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm goin' home. Great show tonight." She then walked out of the room and pretty soon the rest of them followed.

"I should probably get going, too. It's getting late."

"Do you have a ride?" He asked.

"I had Gina drive me here, but I'll be fine walking."

"(Y/n), this is Gotham. A woman walking alone is not fine. Especially someone as beautiful as you," Penguin said and gave you a look that said 'I'm not giving you a choice'. You blushed and sighed in response. "I'll have one of my men drive you home."

"Alright, thank you," The two of you walked to the front doors and exited the building, Penguin locking the doors shut. A car pulled up in front of the two of you and Penguin opened the backseat door for you.

"Ladies first," You smiled and thanked him before sliding in. He shut the door and got in on the other side as you gave the driver directions. It wasn't long before you arrived at your one-story house, the ride just mainly small talk. You thanked him again and Penguin watched as you entered your home, making sure you got in safely before telling the driver to go to his own house.

When you shut the door, you were greeted by your black cat, Myra, and you pet her head. You then headed towards your bedroom and dressed into comfortable clothes, sitting at a desk that had folders and a computer. Opening your most recent folder, you stared at the picture of a man with messy brown hair and a stubble before reading the information below it. "Physical assault, huh?" You mumbled as you continued to skim over the information. "No licence..." You put a green mark on the folder before moving on to the next one.

When you were little, your mother was abused by your father and, in turn, you eventually killed him through poison. To this day, your mother doesn't know how he died or who did it. You would do anything to keep your mother safe, and to keep her love. Others would call it selfish but you just couldn't see it that way. Your older brother became an alcoholic later on and started to abuse both you and your mother. Again, you poisoned him using what was left over from what you used on your father.

These events are what led you to your secret career. You killed off anyone who was accused of assault and murder, but ever since Penguin started licensing crime, your work has been more troubling. You now have to check if they have a licence or not, you would know better than to go against Penguin. You also may or may not have a soft spot for him.

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