Chapter 2: The Truth

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*Trigger Warning: Talk of Abuse and self harm*

She sits there trying to figure out their facial expressions. She could really tell anything until the very end of the video. They guys just stare at the screen after the song is over with tears in their eyes. "Was it that bad?" She finally breaks the silence.

Zane gets up out of his seat and hugs Kaylee then returns to his seat without even saying a word to her.

Heath puts his big brotherly arm around his baby sister as tears run down his face, "Sis that was amazing. So much emotion." He sniffs, "Did something happen in the past year and a half that I don't know about?"

She pulls away from him and takes her laptop back from him. She does not say anything to him.

"Kay, did something happen between you and Jake that you are not telling me?" There is worry in his voice. Kaylee hears it but still is sitting on her computer trying to save her video and doesn't say a word. Heath gets upset and closes her laptop, "Kaylee Marie Hussar, what happened to you? Are you okay?" He turns red with anger.

Zane leans up, "What's going on up here? Is everything okay?"

Kaylee looks down, with tears in her eyes. She knows she needs to tell them but she is terrified on how they are going to react. Damage was left behind, she has scars to show for it. Tears roll down her face as she looks up at the guys, "My past relationship with Jacob was like a living hell. Why do you think I want to move out to LA so bad? I mean I wanted to see y'all but I needed to get away because he is after me. Now, he cannot get to me without going through y'all first. He was very abusive and left his mark." She reaches to her sleeves, shaking and gently rolls them up.

Heath looks at her arms and starts shaking with rage. "Why the hell didn't you tell me, Kaylee? Did Mom know? Does she know?" She shakes her head. He grabs her arm gently to look at all the damage left behind. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have been there to help you."

She looks back to Zane who is sitting there shaking his leg to try to calm down. She looks back down and pulls down her sleeves. "I was scared. I thought that I loved him and I'm so stupid. I kept forgiving him and he kept hitting me. I ended up in the ER multiply times but no one seemed to care so I started inflicting pain on to myself." She takes a deep breath. "If it wasn't for you and Zane and YouTube, I would have ended it all."

Heath and Zane take a long, shaky breath. Heath pulls her into a big side hug and kisses the top of her head. "I love you so much, Kaylee. I will never let that bastard hurt you ever again." His voice cracks with emotion.

Zane reaches around the seat and takes Kaylee's free hand. "You are like a sister to me, Kaylee. Please come to us if you ever need anything." He squeezes her hand and lets it go.

About an hour later, they make it to Dallas. They walk off the plane in silence and make their way to their next gate. They only have about an hour and half lay over in Dallas. They find their gate and sit down.

"I am so sorry that I didn't tell y'all about Jacob and me. I just didn't know how to tell y'all." Kaylee sighs. "I am so stupid. It has been one hell of a year and I couldn't even tell my best friends. I have night terrors and panic attacks now because of all the physical and mental abuse I have been through. I am trying my best to get over them but I might have to go to a doctor to help me."

"We understand. We really do. We just wished that you would have come to us when it first started to happen. There is still so much to talk about but we will not pressure you to talk about it if you don't want to." Heath looks at Kaylee and she knows what he really wants to know and she just slowly shakes her head.

Zane catches what happens and stands up and walks away in anger as to kill Jacob. Heath just sits back in his chair, starring at Kaylee in shock and in pain. She looks at him, "I will tell y'all anything y'all want to know as soon as we get to the apartment. I promise you."

They board the plane an hour later. Once they get to their seats, Kaylee falls fast asleep on Heath's shoulder.

"Zane, I am going to kill him as soon as I lay eyes on him. You don't know how bad I want to fly back to Florida just to kill him." Heath whispers angrily to Zane.

"I know man. I feel the same way but right now we just need to get her better. We need to get her back on her feet. We will have her back." Zane whispers in a calm voice. "Killing him isn't going to help her right now. If you go to jail, that will not be good. She needs you right now. You are her shoulder to cry on and to lean on. We will figure out everything when we get back home."

Heath sighs, "I know, I know. I'm just so angry right now. I can't believe this happened to my baby sister." He looks down at her sleeping. "I'm supposed to protect her." Tears fill his eyes. "How could this happen?"

"There are some really cruel people out there. We can't be there 24/7. We will get this all worked out. Stop beating yourself up over this. We will get through this."

They finally land in Los Angeles. Heath shakes Kaylee awake, "Kay, Sis, we are here." She opens her eyes and looks around, confused about where she is at. "We are in LA, Sis." She sits up and a smile grows across her face. They get off the plane and head toward the baggage claim.

LAX is always so busy and it takes more than an hour to get Kaylee's luggage. Finally, when they get her bags they start heading toward the exit. "I love it here already. I love all the hustle and bustle of it all and we haven't even left the airport."

Heath smiles, "Well I'm glad you like it so far. It only gets better from here. Get ready for an amazing first few days here in LA."

"We have so much planned for the next 2 days. So many surprises. First surprise is who is picking us up." Zane says.

"So, who is picking us up?" Heath and Zane point and Kaylee's eyes follow. She sees him, just sitting on top of his car waiting on them. Her heart skips a beat.


AN: Thanks for reading! please vote and comment!

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