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I woke up with a headache and a sick feeling in my stomach. I had a dream about fucking Patrick! I was disappointed in myself. I never really had a crush on anyone. Or thought anyone was good enough for me. I sighed and sat up on my bed and shrugged his jacket off and threw it across my room. Stupid jacket. Maybe I should burn it. Make a little bonfire in the backyard and toss it in there. Cleanse myself of Patrick the psychopath. But maybe he would ask for it in class today. He would probably get mad when I told him I set it on fire. Or he would ask why and I couldn't tell him why.

"Why'd you set my jacket on fire?" He'd ask me with his stupid seductive voice.

"Well, I tripped out last night and saw a coyote and the only thing that made me feel unafraid was the smell of your jacket. Don't ask me why, it just did. Oh, and also, I dreamt about you."

Yeah, right!

I'd just take it to him instead. He would get mad and I already saw what he was capable of when he was angry. Not that I would let him hurt me again. He would be laying on the ground with my switchblade sticking out of his neck if he ever touched me again. I should probably also move seats. I would be tempted to turn back and look at him and touch the bruises I left on his face.

Ugh! What the hell is wrong with me!?

I heard a knock on my door and jumped up and unlocked it. Nathan was already dressed for school. Typical.

"Hey. Uh, I just wanted to say sorry about last night. Maybe I was a little too hard on you. I didn't mean to yell at you." He called that yelling? "It's just that I was scared the person behind all the shit going on here had gotten to you. I had to lie to mom and dad about where you were, too. Told them you had made a friend for once and that you were at her house." He sighed and looked down. He had lied for me? He never lied to our parents. He was too much of a wimp for that. "I was worried."

Again, I felt that little tug on my heart. He was worried about me. My big brother was always worried about me. I sighed and looked down as well. I didn't want to say sorry for worrying him. I never said sorry. Especially for something that I did intentionally.

"Nathan, I'm sor-" He looked up at me and his eyes sort of widened. No, I couldn't start going soft now. "There was a coyote outside last night." I blurted out. He scrunched his eyebrows together and tilted his head. "It was the one from... before. It was outside in the front lawn and-" I stopped. He was looking at me like I was crazy. I mean, of course he would. That was ten years ago and back home in California. This wasn't Back to the Future. The coyote didn't fucking time travel and fly all the way over here. It was probably dead by now. I shook my head and let out a short laugh. "It was just a dream." I lied.

His face relaxed and he nodded. "It was just a bad dream, Nikki. Don't worry about it." He smiled. "Get ready. We're going to be late." He turned around and walked down the stairs.

It wasn't a dream, Nathan. I even called for you, but I was so scared I couldn't raise my voice.

I heard a laugh too. Someone was watching me and they laughed at me. I wanted to tell him but I didn't like how he was staring at me. He was staring at me the same way my parents did. Like I was crazy. Like I was a freak. I slammed my door and picked out an outfit and then went to shower.

There Can Only Be One || Patrick Hockstetter Where stories live. Discover now