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Almost 40 Minutes Later

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I noticed darkness all around me. But, I felt movement. I'm in the trunk of a car.

When I tried to move, I realized that my hands and ankles were tied up.

I kept trying to move around and kick until I bumped into something.

"Owwwwww that hurttttt." I heard a familiar voice say as I sighed.

"Mel... I'm so glad it's you." I said as she started hyperventilating.

"Mel calm down calm down... we can't panic. We need to think straight! Now Shutup and listen to me!" I semi-yelled as she stopped quickly.

"Okay... it's obvious that we're in a trunk and their taking us somewhere." I said as she pointed to something.

If these people were really smart, they would've tied our hands up behind our backs.

"It's a small little light in the corner.... and sound is coming from it." She said as I looked closer.

I moved towards it and I noticed that it was a small hole.

"Oh my gosh, I can see the highway." I said said as I saw cars lined up behind us.

"Can you stick your finger through it? Or, is there anything back here that we can pour out the hole? We need somebody to notice us." Melanie said as we felt around.

"Here's a bottle of water..." Melanie said as I shook my head.

"Mel, this could either go one of two ways cause I saw this in a movie once. We pour water out the hole, somebody is gonna recognize it, but then they're gonna tell them up front that something in the trunk is leaking. Then, they're gonna pull over, see that we did what we did, and they're gonna knock us out again. That's what's most likely gonna happen. Maybe if we can make the hole bigger and stick our fingers out, then somebody could call the police because that's just not normal."

I said as I saw Melanie's figure shake her head okay. But, I need something to help me break free from the plastic around my wrists.

"Bro.... this gotta be a prank." Melanie said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What? Why? How?"

"Real kidnappers know not to leave weapons in the trunk with the victims." Melanie said as she pointed to the saw in the corner.

We both chuckled and I shook my head.

"Melanie this is definitely real, but they're just not smart." I said as I scooted over to the saw.

I tried to run my wrist against the blade without cutting myself.

"Be careful Jay." I heard Melanie say as I pulled my wrists back forcefully against it and the blade cut the plastic tie off.

Alright... now we're getting somewhere.

"Ok... let me see if I can make this hole bigger." I said as Melanie was doing the same thing I just did.

I put two fingers on both sides of the hole, and I tried to pry it open more.

The metal was hurting my skin, but I have to try.

I groaned out and I closed my eyes and I forcefully separated the metal.

"Jay you made the hole bigger. My best friend is a genius." Melanie said as I moved my hand and she poked her eye through the hole.

"Dang, where are we?" She asked as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Girl, I don't know, but can you stick your arm through there?" I asked as as she tried it.

Her wrists and arms are way smaller than mine. So, I knew she could definitely do it.

"Ok, I got it." Melanie said as half of her arm was outside of the trunk.

"Yes! Ok Mel... wave it back and forth. Somebody should definitely notice it." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair.

Chris' POV

"We told them not to go, but they didn't listen to us. We told them no." Jeremy said as we all sat in the 911 dispatchers room with some investigators, our moms, and Jay's mom. Melanie's mom is on her way.

"Y'all should've did more! You should've protected her Chris!" Jay's dad said as I rolled my eyes. He better get outta my face yelling at me.

"Calm down! Don't yell at neither one of these boys! They did what they could do!" Jay's mom said to the both of them as I sighed.

This was taking a toll on all of us.

Jay's mom has been crying ever since she got here. Why couldn't the girls just listen to us?

"So you gave them your car correct?" One of the detectives asked as I shook my head yes.

"We didn't want them walking over there, so I gave Jay the keys." I said as I pulled out my phone.

I sighed when there was still no text or call from Jay. On the 911 call that she called in, she didn't even give my number to the police. I know I don't pick up the phone and that's my fault. I blew her phone up with calls and text messages earlier.

But, I mean, does that really mean that she can't depend on me?

My own girl can't even count on me the way that she should.

"This case is so hard because the suspects left no real trace of evidence. The cameras on the streets can't see their faces because of the masks and there are no fingerprints because they all had on gloves. The only things that were left are the items that the girls carried."

The police chief said as one of the detectives  walked up.

"I think we found something." He said as we all jumped up and followed him.

"Can you repeat that again?" The 911 dispatcher said as the woman on the phone spoke.

"There is a car in front of me and a small arm is sticking out the back of the trunk. It's gotta be somebody back there. It just looks really suspicious to me." She said as the 911 dispatcher traced the location from the phone.

"Can you read out the license plate number on that car please?" The detective asked the woman as she started to read aloud.

"K75 4371 and the car is a black Dodge Charger." The lady said as Jay's mom spoke.

"Is that them?" Her soft voice asked.

"Ms. Monae, we're about to figure that out right now." The detective said as I hoped.

"They're in Santa Barbara on Highway 215 traveling North." The dispatcher said as I furrowed my eyebrows and I looked Jeremy.

"Where are they taking them?" Jeremy mouthed to me as I shook my head not knowing.

I don't know where these people are taking my girl, but I know she better end up alive.

Jay's POV

"Melanie.... we're super slow. Where's your phone?" I asked her as she took her hand out the hole and she felt around her body.

"It's in my purse and they took it." She said as my eyes went buck. I dug in my pocket and I pulled mine out.

"Oh my gosh... Jay..." Melanie said as we both got excited.

"Ok... okay... my phone is on 57%." I said as we both stared at the text messages and missed calls on my screen. The most recent ones were from Chris and my mom.

I dialed a number, it rang, and I waited for a voice.

I hope I can get through.


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