First impressions

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I looked up from the letter with a little bit more understanding about this place, which helped a little i guess. Jack seemed nice in the description, Mark i don't really know yet. Amy seems nice but I don't know yet....
Ugh i'm rambling  my brain is running on autopilot at this point, i need to sleep. It's been almost three days now, i'll have to meet these kids tomorrow, moments like these are few and far between and i can't pass them up.
I am hardly ever tired and when i am it hits out of nowhere and it hits hard.
"oh man,"i put my head in my hands trying not to fall asleep on the spot, to little evale. I feel myself tipping over and soft hands catch me, not like my moms. These are soft but hard from work, they are gentle but tough, they nice but stern. I like these hands, i can get used to these hands.
    I woke up on floor, it looked like i just fainted. Crap, i'm just grate at first impressions aren't i. I sat up and looked over to my side to see who had caught me, it was the lady from behind the counter. She had a worried look on her face,
"thanks for catching me, i'm fine now." i quickly mumbled as i stood up, i was a little wobbly at first but quickly found my footing.
"are you sure? You just fell asleep. Standing up may i add." she looked at me like a cat looking at a mouse
"no i'm fine really! Don't worry i'm not tired anymore, unfortunately." i mumbled the last part so i don't think she heard it
"it's my job to worry."she stated, she pulled herself up and got right back to work, but this time her attention always seemed to be on me and not my mom, even though she was talking to her.
I leaned against the front desk, i had no idea what was gonna happen next. I've never been to a place like this and honestly i have no idea how to act.
    They talked for about five more minutes, i don't know what they were talking about but the woman behind the desk looked pretty mad at my mom. Before long my mom stormed out of the building, leaving me behind without a second glance. I guess i'm not the only one that can't wait to be nowhere near my 'family'.
"I hope you have read the note, I'm nurse claire by the way."she reached her hand out and i shook it.
"it is in my understanding that you will be staying here for a while, is that correct?"
"yes ma'am." i simply stated, i've allways been a big talker, but that's only when I know the people. Otherwise I find myself replying in little to no words at times.
"Ok! Well follow me dear and i'll bring you to H hallway." she put her arm around my shoulder and lead me away from the lobby and into the never ending hallways of the overly colorful hospital. I saw kids riding around in animal shaped carts being pushed by their parents, i saw balloons and flowers. There were kids everywhere, well i guess that's what i should've expected in a children's hospital.
"don't worry, this is just one half of the hospital. The other half has older kids like yourself."Nurse Claire steered me down a few more hallways until we reached a big set of metal doors.
"This is the middle wall as we like to call it, it's the wall that divides the little kids from the teens. Or you know the east wing from the west."she pushed open the doors and lead me through. this side was a lot more my style. For starters the overpowering colorful walls where dulled down to a nice light teal. And there wasnt nearly as many kids. Instead the hallways were relatively empty, minus a few nurses and doctors here and there.
"i prefer this side of the hospital, but that's just me." she stated as we crossed the threshold into the new wing.
"Hey Claire!"an overly energetic nurse hollard as she ran up to us
"i got the test results for jack!" this immediately caught Claire's attention
"how did it go? Is his breathing getting better?" a reply was meaningless for she had already swiped the file from the young nurses hands
"oh, i see."she said disappointment evident in her voice.
"sorry about that! I have to bring you to h hallway, you probably want to take a nap."
"nap? Isn't the whole reason i'm here is because i can't sleep?" ok now i confused, she knew i couldn't sleep so why did she say that.
"ah you're right! You're here for that,don't worry we can figure something out. You will get that nap i promise you that!" this time when she ushered me along she had a new oomph in her step, i think seen this before. Oh right that's it! She's motivated, she has a goal and i believe that she might just get me to sleep, hopefully.

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