meeting new people

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"so can i enter my room yet?" i asked making sure i'm not breaking another st.Louise tradition. she gave me a weird look and nodded yes.

"yeah only one weird tradition, i don't really remember who started it it just happend." she shrugged and motioned for me to open up the door and take  a look. i reached out and took hold of the door handle. i turned the door handle and pushed, only to get a laugh from Amy as i ran face first into the door

"its a pull door dumbo." Amy giggled

"why on earth is this door a pull door? that makes zero sense." I mumbled trying to hide my embarrassment. i pulled open the door, a cold gust of wind hitting me in the face. i stepped in and looked around the room. the walls where the same color of dull blue/gray as the rest of the hospital, there was a plain hospital bed in the middle of the room with the railing pulled down. there was a dresser in the other side of the room opposite of the bed, and a big window on the back wall. it was simple and i liked it.

"have you met anyone else?" Amy asked walking into the room behind me making me jump a little.

"um, only you and Jack.." i replied turning around to look at her, she gave me a nod and turned around and started to leave the room

"where are you going?" she walked back over to me and too me by the wrist

"well aren't you coming with me? where gonna go meet the others." she gave me another smile and pulled me out the door and twords the door across the hall.

"w-wait, i'm not sure about this.." 

"don't worry its just Mark...." her voice trailed off as we got closer to the door, I could here muffled talking coming from inside. it sounded kinda goofy.

"on secound thought we should go say hi to Tyler." she quickly turned around and started guiding me to the next door down.

"wait why cant we say hi to Mark?" she gave me a side eyed look that told me ill find out later and knocked on what appeared to be Tyler's door. it was covered in pictures of Amy, Jack, an Asian looking' kid and a tall guy with curly hair.

"who is it?" a voice called through the door

"its Amy and the new kid!" 

"wait he's here already!?" the sound of shuffling came from the other side of the door. Amy rolled her eyes as she stepped back pushing me along with her. I heard a crash and the door swung open.

"hey kid! acne problems huh?" he pointed to my face and i kinda shrunk back a little. I mean i know i have a butt load of acne but that doesn't mean i like people pointing it out, experimentally someone i just met. Amy went up and gave him a good smack on the arm

"Tyler! i know you don't have a censor but come on!"

"oh uh, i'm sorry kid..." he rubbed the back of his neck and he gave me an apologetic look

"why do you keep calling me kid? im only a few years younger than you...."

"how old is he?" Tyler looked over at Amy. Amy rolled her eyes and told him to ask me himself.

"how old are you kid?" he asked again this time directed at me

"16, you?" The big guy let out a laugh and turned to Amy.

"is this kid serious?" that earned him another slap on the arm from the blonde. this time it was her giving the apologetic smile.

hey guys sorry this one is short. I had about 1000 words down but i decided that the story was moving to fast since Ethan had just got to the hosbital so i deleted it and settled for this, albeit more choppy version of whent down in my first draft. im probably going to bring it into the story later on but for right now that would have been to much to soon. so sorry this chapter is a little choppy and ended pretty soon. 

If you have any ideas for how the story should go please feel free to comment them, outside help is greatly appreciated.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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