Part 5

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Warnings-Not really//grinding
Shane swallowed hard, feeling the other pressed against him. He ran his hands down the other's sides, encouraging him to continue. Shane let himself enjoy the other's actions, assuming this was as far as things would get, as he would always make sure to leave alone. He leaned down, nipping at the other's ear softly, and murmuring, "You're so sexy.."

Ryan grins and soon turns to face the other, grinding his own crotch against the others, wrapping his arms around his neck, "Oh? How sexy.."

Shane suppressed a moan, this man was definitely not part of his plan, and he was already dreading parting ways. "Mm, incredibly sexy, you couldn't imagine the things I want to do to you.." Shane whispered into the other's ear, gripping his hips.

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