I'm Back and I want your OCs!!! Updated

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Hi babes! It's been like a year since I've been active probably, but I'm back and I'm gonna try my best to bring you guys some updates. I've actually got quite a few updates in the works at the moment so watch out for that. Until then, MamaRaccoon and I are doing a collab together and we need 14 OCs. This book will be a steampunk/assassin type thing that will Be uploaded on MamaRaccoon 's account so I'll update you guys when it's up so you can read it! The BBS will also be in the book so for those of you that don't get/want to be in the book you can always go there for the gay bois. Anywho, here's the template:

Position: Will be randomly selected so stay tuned
Clothing (remember this is steampunk so choose a steampunk look):

Metal Body Part (Ex. hand, foot, leg, etc):

Don't be too OP and please don't fill out anything depressing it can be triggering and this is a trigger free zone!!!


Thank you guys so much for being patient and I hope to see you guys in my next updates!

Here's some memes for your troubles:

Here's some memes for your troubles:

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