Hi, guys! Idk if you noticed, but I made a little adjustment to my username. Do you guys like it? I think it's okay, I mean, the only reason I changed it was so my boyfriend can't find the account lmao. Anyways, that's not why I'm making this. I'm going to Pax East!!! I'll be at the convention center on Thursday and Friday, but I'll be staying in Boston Thursday thru Sunday so if you guys want to stop by and say hi feel free to do so! I'll be cosplaying as a park ranger from Jurassic Park and I'll be with two dorks dressed in Jurassic Park outfits as well (aka a Dino and a tall bean riding a dino). Since I'm pretty sure I haven't shown you guys what I look like, you'll probably need to know if you want to find me.
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Since that has a filter I'll give you guys another example that's a little more realistic...
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