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The ring of the bell startled me. I put everything back into my bag and went to my locker. I can finally go home.

"you're killing yourself next week?" Gomez says happily. I smile and nod.

"Why next week? why not now?" she laughs and hands me a razor blade. "Because my mom and dad would be out of town at that time" I say quietly

"Oh! Really? You still have a mom and dad how shocking!" she laughs and sashays away. fuck you.

I kept the blade and went home. I have no one to be honest. Only my mom and sister. Dad never comes home.

I enter my house and saw my sister on the couch passed out. I examine how her body was so tiny and how her face was beautiful. I wish I was like that.

I see mom on her phone, working. I sighed and went to my room. I unpack everything and laid on my bed.

7 days I'll be gone. No more worries,
problems, only silence. I wanna die.


I woke up from my bed in yesterday's clothes. My eyes were puffy from crying. Mom came in my room with a tray of food.

"Mom, I feel sick" I said all weary and weak. "Baby, it's fine if you don't go to school today" she smiles and leaves the room.

I examine the food on the tray. Bacon, Pancakes, Waffles, Apples, Blueberries, Strawberries.

I decided to eat. I'm leaving anyways so what's the point of keeping a small shape.

I ate everything, I was super full. I laid down to calm myself down from all the food. I don't like eating.

I stood up and showered, cut myself and changed into some clothes.

I gave the mirror a smile that was full of sadness. I'm such a failure.

I decided to stroll around the park, alone. I sat on a bench that was between a tree and a pond.

"Miss, why are you crying" A little girl in a dress, long socks and some doll shoes. So innocent and pure.

"Oh, because I'm leaving" I giggle, wiping the tears off my face. "Oh miss, don't cry because you're leaving! You're going to see new adventures and see other stuff that you won't see here" she bubbles with joy.

I giggle at how happy she was. I wish I can be happy. I hear a woman calling out a name, guessing it's her mother.

"Well miss I must go but here" she hands me a flower she picked up near the pond.

The innocence of the child calms me. I know she wouldn't hit, I know she wouldn't do anything bad.

I stare at the flower she gave me. I got up and walked to my home again. That child made me happy a littlem for the first time in a long time.

"Honey where have you been?" Mom asks as I enter the house. "I strolled around to get my mind out of stuff" I sighed and went to my room.

I put the flower in an empty vase and filled it with a little bit of water. Such fragile beauty.

My phone buzzes across the room. I felt weird because I have no friends and no one messages me.

(0914 **** ****)
"meet me in the cafe."

you: why should i?

"because i said so. now go."

This is stupid. It's almost sunset and someone wants to see me, that's new. I should go, even if there's a possibility that's it's Angus.

I grabbed my jacket and went off. "Where are you going now?" my mom says as I was about to leave.

"I'm meeting a friend at the cafe" I smile and leave. The weather was cold and calm. The world is beautiful until you aren't.

I reach the cafe. It was empty with no costumers, only the baristas. I enter and went to the counter.

"hi, I would like one hot coffee, medium" I smile at the guy at the counter.

He smiles back and writes it down. He starts making my drink and I wait. "a coffee for Delilah" he smiles.

I looked at him in shock. "How do you know my name?" I asked him. He reaches his phone and shows me our text messages.

I giggle it off and looked for some money to pay him. "No need I'm paying" he smiles

I smile back at him.

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