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Requested by @hns_rsh
No specific plot, so this is fluffy and really random.

Yeri POV
Sigh these couples here are so sweet.

I continue to sigh as I walk but not until I saw something, or someone, I should say, that made me freeze in my spot.

"Park Woojin." I mumbled under my breath.

Meet Park Woojin, he's cute and handsome along with his friends call Wanna One. Girls have crushes on them.

Including me.

I didn't realized that I stared at them for a long time that Woojin stared back. My breath hitched and I pretended I was looking at them.

'Yes! Great timing!' I thought to myself before walking towards them and waved.

"Unnie!" I called out to Joy unnie after seeing her walking this way.

"Yeri!" Joy unnie called out too and I quickly hooked my arms with Joy unnie.

"Unnie you saved me." I whispered to her as she gave me a confused look.

"What did I do?"

"Well you see.." I trailed off and made a hint to unnie as she looked back and gave a oohed face.

"Oh Park Woojin." Unnie whispered back at me and I nodded.
"You guys should just date already." Unnie poked my forehead and I shook my head.

"He doesn't like me like that." I sighed and pouted.

"You sure?" Unnie asked as she gave me her mischievous face.

"Unnie don't do anything-"

"Oh I won't don't worry."


Next day

Author POV
As Yeri walked through the halls, Yeri was absentmindedly walking without looking or realizing that the person she likes in front her.

Yeri bumped into "a wall" and groan in pain, and looks up to see the person she wanted to see.

"O-oh Woojin-ssi, sorry I wasn't looking." Yeri stammered and Woojin grinned.

"It's alright." Woojin said as he patted her head and left the girl dumbfounded and blushing.

"Yah why are you so red? Are you having a fever?" Joy who came out of nowhere, checked Yeri.

"No, unnie, it's something else." Yeri shyly mumbled and Joy gave her a knowing face.

"Park Woojin am I right?" Joy smirked as the younger one looked shocked.

"Unnie you didn't plan anything right?"

"Well, it's something for you." Joy smiles cheekily as Yeri realized someone was listening to them.

"Oh Unnie, who's that behind?" Yeri asked as the person quickly hides themselves and Joy turns around to glare at whoever is there.

As Joy was distracted looking for the person, a hand grabbed Yeri's and dragged her somewhere.

Yeri looked at the male's back then to their hands and blushed.

Yeri POV
'He wouldn't be confessing right now right?' I thought to myself not realizing that we were at the rooftop.

I turned to Woojin, "What are we doing here?"

"I'm here to tell you something." Woojin breathed in before grabbing my shoulders.

"Would you like to-" As he continued to speak, I spaced out for a moment.

'Omg what he is going to confess?'

"Did you hear me? Are you going to answer me?" He gave me an anticipating look and I nodded.

"Really? You're going to be my partner in doing this? You're actually agreeing to be my partner in crime?"

'What the actual f- so he's not confessing.' I pouted in my mind and made a mental note to murder him.

"What "crime" are we suppose to do?"


"Joy unnie, let's go to the cafeteria!" I happily skipped and dragged her along.

"What's wrong with you? Did something happen? Park Woojin happened?" Joy unnie asked as she raised her eyebrows.

"None of that but because I'm happy today!" I did aegyo to unnie as she chuckled and walked away.


"Ah, unnie, my stomach hurts." I groaned in pain as I turned to the side to see Woojin with Daniel.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom? The nurse?" Unnie asked worriedly and I shook my head.

"I'll go to the bathroom. Unnie you can stay here. I can manage by myself." I reassured her and stood up to leave but not before winking at Woojin and Daniel.


I sat in the garden as I waited for Woojin to come back.

"Hey." I turned to Woojin to see him smirking.

"What's with that smirk?" I asked and he laughed.

"Our mission is accomplished." Woojin grabbed my hand and shook our hands in the air.

I looked at him in shock before turning away with my cheeks blushing.

'Aish, why is he making my feelings complicated and confusing me?' I thought before glaring back at him.

"What's with that glare?" Woojin asked as he pouted and I scoffed.

"Are you seriously doing aegyo in front of me right now?" I gave him a look and he continued to pout.
"Stop confusing me." I mumbled under my breath and look at him.
"Stop doing that you look ugly." I looked away and threw rocks that was beside me.

"Didn't seem that way with the look you always gave me." He said and I turned to him but was met with his face close to mine.

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered and tried to look at anything else beside his face.

"Then why are you flustered right now?" He tilted his head and gave his cute smile which made me blush.

"W-who said I was flustered. Haha you must be seeing things." I was getting ready to stand up but I was pulled into an embrace.

"Kim Yerim." He said my name seriously and I froze.
"I like you."

I got out of his embrace and faced him.

"Woo-" before I can say anything, Woojin placed his lips on mine and I widen my eyes.

Butterflies were swarming in my stomach as we stayed like this.
Woojin pulled away and put our foreheads together.

"Daniel hyung helped me with this plan meanwhile we helped him." Woojin said and I blushed.

"What kind of plan was this?" I avoided his stare but he moved to my vision.

"Look at me." He pouted and I smiled.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He held my hands and I chuckled.

"Yes." I smiled at him and he held my waist and swung me around.

"YAY KIM YERIM IS FINALLY MINE!" Woojin shouted and I giggled.


I'm back to being open! Requests are open and I'm back to updating but still slow. School started and I'll try and update more frequently before stress comes.

Hope you like this imagine and have a good day/night.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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