When He Asks You Out

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You were waiting outside for Slendy. He didn't come so you went into the forest to look for him. It was the middle of the night and the only light you had was from your phone. You heard a rustle in the bushes. Jumping from the sudden noise, you bolted.

You saw a little note on a tree. You stopped to look at it. It said "Behind you" in sloppy handwriting. You turned around and saw Slender holding flowers. "W-Will you go out with m-me" he stuttered. "Of course Slendy" you said hugging him. "Since when do you stutter"?

Jeff the Killer

You woke up and felt someone watching you. "Jeff" you called out, rubbing your eyes. "Yes, my sweet" he said, walking out of the shadows. Except he didn't have the same clothes on. He had a suit and tie. You giggled a bit because it didn't fit him.

"Y/N will you go out with me. If not I'm afraid you'll have to...Go to Sleep" he said pulling out his knife. "You don't have to worry Jeff, of course I'll go out with you" you replied. "Are you just saying that because you don't want to die" he growled getting angry. "Jeff do you really think I would do that to my best friend"? His permanent smile widened. He tucked you back in and stayed until you went to sleep.

Eyeless Jack

You heard a knock on your window. You sat up, with bed head of course and opened the window. Jack crawled in. His skin was freezing cold. It was below freezing outside. He pulled you on his lap and he was instantly warm.

"Will you go out with me" he finally said, breaking the silence. "Yeah" you said, lifting his mask and kissing his cheek. With that his whole body was extremely hot. Especially his face.

Lost Silver

Your GameBoy was about to go dead and Silver still hasn't came out. You sighed and decided to turn it off. You see, your GameBoy charger doesn't work anymore so Silver charges it. Suddenly, your GameBoy began to act up so you put it down ready for Silver to come out. Sadly he didn't.

You lay your head on the pillow. He blew you off. You huffed and rolled over, getting ready to go to sleep. You went to sleep, for an hour. Then you woke up to the sound of shuffling. You looked up and saw Silver poking at your toes. He looked up at you. "W-Will y-y-you g-g-o...." You interrupted him. "Yes" you replied hugging him.


You were sitting in your kitchen eating some cheesecake. Masky suddenly burst through the door. "Masky what are you doing" you asked calmly. He was pacing the floor and looking to the ground. "I-I..." he choked out. "Masky" you said rushing over to him. He was worrying you.

"W-Wi-ill y-yo-ou..." he tried again. He was starting to sound like Lost Sliver. "Come on Masky" you comforted. "W-Wi-ill y-yo-ou g-g-g-o o-o-ut with-th m-me" he choked out. you hugged him. "Of course".


Hoodie waited patiently for you outside. You and him were going to take a walk in the woods. Even though you aren't dating. You blushed so hard when he grabbed your hand and pulled you into the woods. You had wanted to date him for a while now. He pulled you through twists and turns until he came to a meadow.

"W-Will y-you go out w-with me" he said looking down. He was scared of rejection. You hugged him close. "Of course I will" you said. You two say there like that for what felt like forever.

BEN Drowned

You and BEN were playing CoD. You had killed him and won. You jumped up and danced around. "Yay" you screamed still dancing. "Wow, the most beautiful girl in the world just beat me" BEN said looking to the ground.

You blushed at his compliment. He suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist. "Will you be mine" he said pulled you closer against his body. "I-I...sure" you said hugging him. You knew where this was headed and you didn't want to get "that far".

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