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Today is the alumni homecoming and also the competition of the swimming club and everybody is excited and enthusiastic about the event. A lot of cheers and fangirls in the pool area some also are their fellow classmates and even batch mates which made all of the old members of the swimming club reminisce on themselves way back they were still college students

Sang in the other hand seems to be looking for somebody who is not yet here while Yo arrived along with Phana, Ming, Kit, Forth, Beam and went to greet Waii and the others and went to seat in the bench.

"Ai'Put! Where's Apo?" Waii asks Put who is warming up with Kluay

"How would I know?" Put replies

"Ai'Sang!" Waii was about to ask Sang when Kluay stops him

"There's no use on talking at him Waii... Sang is busy looking on the people... Looking for Claire to be exact" Kluay said

Apo arrived with Claire next to him who is smiling from ear to ear as she brought her friends which are alumni of the school and a guy. Sang can't help but feel jealous looking at Claire with the guy next to her talking way too friendly to her

"Apo who is that guy Claire came with?" Sang can't help but ask Apo

"Oh him? He's Nai Claire's bestfriend" Apo replies

"Is he an alumnus here?" Sang asks again

"He isn't. Claire just simply dragged him to come here as we saw him in the mall today" Apo replies

"You went to the mall?" Waii asks to Apo

"We went to fetch Berna, Jonah and Hannah though Ems wants to come but she's busy on her work" Apo replied to Waii not minding the fact that he actually doesn't plan to talk to Waii

"So much on that when are you going to start" Claire asks Waii as she looks on her watch

"After Apo doing his warm up probably 10 minutes from now" Waii replied

Claire ushered her friends and also Nai to seat beside Yo with his P'Pha and the rest of the gang and after which Claire went outside to meet Karn and dragged him to go with her in side because all of them don't know that he'll be present today

"Ai'Karn!" Apo greets him happily

"Sawadee!" Karn greets them all

"Why didn't you tell us that you're coming?" Put asks Karn

"Claire wanted to surprise you guys" Karn replied

Claire asks Karn if he could join the competition but Waii stops Claire since as Waii defended Karn is not an alumnus to Ocean College and also not a member of the swimming club though Claire fights back telling Waii that Karn was used to be a student in the Ocean College and also used to be a member of the swimming club so Waii has no choice but to let Karn join the competition

The main reason Waii didn't want Karn to join is that Karn is pretty much close to Apo than to him and he gets jealous seeing Apo and Karn happily chit-chatting while Apo completely ignores him whenever he'll try speaking to him. Waii is already happy when Apo answered him when he asked a while ago but now he keeps on ignoring him

Claire volunteered to become the referee since Coach Thir can't come as per Karn said and now Claire asks all of them to be on their position as she is about to blow the whistle to start the match. The cheers are getting louder as Claire raises her hand

"Beating Waii will be satisfying" –Kluay

"As if you can beat Waii, Kluay" –Put

"Says the person who keeps on losing to me" –Kluay

"Any words Apo?" –Put

"Let's beat Waii hahahahahha" –Apo

"Sang is not even talking" –Waii

"He's so focused on the match or to Claire?" –Kluay

"Stop talking already guys" –Sang

"Now he talks as we just mentioned Claire's name" –Apo

"Claire... If Sang wins you need to have a one day date with him" –Put

"No make it a week" –Kluay

"If he beats Waii that is" –Apo

"If he beats Waii then... It's a deal" –Claire

Sang was smiling from ear to ear when Claire agreed to the deal and thanked his friends on doing some effort to do that date it was a sudden idea by Put and he just said it without warning which Claire can't say no but she knows that it's hard to beat Waii

The crowd went wild as Claire blows the whistle and starts cheering on their voted member to win. Many are cheering for Waii and some are for Apo, Kluay, Put and Sang but majority of the cheers are for Waii which is no brainer because Waii is really popular ever since then and even now that he's a pro-swimmer and the school's pride

Everybody was shock on the results as they thought that Waii will win the match but nevertheless it was Sang who won and Claire's jaw dropped when that happened even Yo who confidently said that it will be Waii who will win was in awe of the results

"Did P'Sang ate something today that made him won the match?" –Yo

"P'Sang is smiling all ears" -Phana

"Maybe it was just a pure luck" –Ming

"I didn't want to believe but Sang actually won" –Berna

"Nong Yo I thought you said that P'Waii is going to win" –Kit

"I thought so P'Kit... P'Sang and P'Put are always tied during their matches before" –Kit

"Maybe today is P'Sang's lucky day" –Beam

"Luck is on P'Sang's side today" –Forth

"I heard them saying about if Sang wins Claire will let him have a one week date with her" –Nai

"When did you heard that" –Hannah

"Before Claire blow the whistle they were talking" –Nai

"You sure have sharp ears" –Jonah

"Not as sharp as Claire's" –Nai

Claire was looking at them as they were talking and looks back again to Waii and others as Sang celebrates his victory. Sang, Kluay, Put and Apo are dancing happily because they finally beat Waii and as Put says 'Sang's victory is also our victory'

Karn pats Claire's shoulder as he knows what Claire is thinking right now and he said goodbye to them because he just came here as per Claire and Apo's request to come and join the match.

The competition ended with the swimming club members words of encouragement to the recent members of the swimming club and they also thank everyone who came and see them compete knowing that even if not all are present but as long as they knew that everyone had a great fun today and hoping to see them the next time they'll have a reunion.

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