just another ballet day

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Taylor P.O.V

I sat on the couch finishing tying up my last point shoes. "hello baby" my mom walked in. "hey mom whats up" I asked. "oh nothing sweetie bills bills and more bills" she sighed. "well if I don't get to class i'll die with out dance dance and more dance" I joked and she smiled making herself some coffee. "I remember when I was in point your father was a hip hopper and I liked hip hop the way it moved it flowed the beat of the sound. it amazed me" mom said smiling sadly and I groaned. "mom please stop thinking about dad and lets go hip hops gross anyways" I said and she smiled and got in the car. I put in my ear buds and listened to my solo music. once we got to the pristine white marbled building I stepped out and walked inside and to the back, "HEY TAYLOR" Ella screamed getting stretched out with david. "hey guys" I waved back and set my dance bag down. I walked over to Madison and zoe who are some of my friends. Madison is short with brown hair and she is very pretty and zoe is medium height with gorgeous thick blonde hair and eyes anyone would die for. we stretched out our legs and arms and prepped to go to the bar. "hello ballerina's" mrs. Jamie walked in. "hello mrs.jamie" everyone said together. "good to see your warmed up" she smiled. "to the bar ballerina" she smiled and we all walked to the bar spreading apart for room. "I want a first position demi plea the and grand plea second position, the in want you guys to show me your grand jete;s" she said and put on music. " 1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8" she said in incremints of two. we finished and lined up. I was behind Benjamin whom we called ben and he started. he went far and fast for his long legs. I shook my arms and legs stretching out a little so I don't pull a muscle. I started, pointing my toes and then doing three grand jete's. "good job Taylor your grand jete's have improve immensely" mrs. Jamie said. I smiled and nodded watching aiden leap across the floor. he had improved two. we all had to work our butts off to get into this school. we had to audition and 80% of the people who auditioned got cut. we surely didn't want our place to be taken. "you all know about the showcase we have coming up in brook-dale against are competitors the ashers company of dance we are start choreography today I expect you to be relaxed professionals I know you all are. there will be scholars there handing out scholar ships to the winning dance company and if things go the way I planned that will be you guys" she smiled. a dance scholar ship where I can doe ballet for the rest of my life. if we win my dream could come true. we have to win and with that we spread apart and learned the choreography. just another ballet day.

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