Thinking of her

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Brandon's P.O.V

Once I got home a small ballerina entered my mind. I don't know why I don't really like her I tolerate her. Until she showed me a different side of her. Outside she makes herself out to be a cold hearted ballerina and she ignores eveything you say always thinking about what she's going to say instead of listening. But when we danced out in the parking lot she showed this different side of herself. They soft hearted broken ballerina. Scared and scared. She is actually just a scared, confused, broken teenage girl. She has had so much piled up on her plate till it over loaded and eventually crashed down on her. She was beautiful and though she never thought of it like that since her dad made her feel so ugly. I wanted to heal her. I wanted her to feel loved. She never had a fatherly figure in her life, and no siblings. By herself. She has the dance company but thats all. I had my close group of friends both parents my younger sister and my dog Jack. I had it all and she didn't have much. I wanted to take her and protect her from the world and let no one have her. Oh god why am I thinking these things. Do I even hve feelings for her? No that can't possibly be it, I'm just feeling bad for her. Sure she is beautiful, witty, sarcastic but - maybe I do still have feelings for her. Is it possible? Yes very possible but is it true? No. I have to do something. I got up and made some pasta and got on facebook. No one posted anything good so I decided to take a look at Taylor's facebook page. "I WISH EVERYTHING WAS BACK TO NORMAL!!!!!!" she posted three minutes ago. There were many likes and comments but it's not like she put it on there for pity. No she was not one of those girls. She genually wished everything was back to do I. I wish we never lost the dance studio and I never met Taylor. She just screws everything up. She made us loose the dance studio. Wait! "what the hell are you thinking brandon Taylor never did anything to you" I mentally said to myself. Now i'm going crazy. What is wrong with me? One minute I'm thinking i'm falling for Taylor then one minute later i'm blaming her for everything. If anything it was Mr.Marks fault for not paying bills. It was also his fault for not even trying to keep it going we could have dancing in my gurage or his. Just perfect, I just remembered we are learning ballet tommorow. How in the world do you stand up on your toes like shouldn't they break or something. The girls are so pointed faced and are really stiff. What do the guys even wear? I took a shower, changed into night clothes, and went to bed.

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