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Winteria never liked her name much. It made her seem different from all the kids that lived on her street. Their names were like, Lily, Anna, Daisy, Willow... "Winteria", although unique, just felt kind of strange in a not-so-good way.

She looked it up one day and saw that it was some sort of fish. Or some cactus thing. Winteria was glad that her friends weren't the brightest in class or they would know and make fun of her. 

Her mother, upon request, never called her by her given name. She was always "Win" or "Winty". Her father, however, was one of those people who were kind of stubborn and liked to stick to tradition. Winteria was always called by her full name when her dad was present.

Yet it seemed as if she was not special enough just by her name. Strange things happened to this girl from time to time. Once, during a temper fit, a thick branch just happened to snap right on her frienemy's head, causing the poor girl to scream and run and trip, showing up next day with her head heavily bandaged. Or that time Winteria swore she saw a cat wink at her and then stalk away. She never told these strange occurrences to anyone. It was enough feeling like an outsider herself than to have others actually think she was a freak. 

However, on her eleventh birthday, her worst fears were confirmed—in a way. That day, an owl nearly crashed through her living room window, clamping a letter in its beak. It announced that Winteria was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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