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"Congrats!" Susan said to Winteria as she sat down. "Hufflepuff is the BEST house ever!" 

Winteria smiled. 

"Welcome to the group," said a second-year boy, smiling at her.

Grinning, Winteria turned forward, paying attention to the rest of the Sorting. A girl named Hermione Granger was Sorted into Gryffindor, which was made quite obvious as they cheered the loudest. A few spots after her was Veronica.

Winteria crossed her fingers, thinking desperately, Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff. She watched as Veronica walked shakily towards the stool, watched as the Sorting Hat slipped over her eyes.

"SLYTHERIN!" the Hat announced. 

Winteria felt a bit disappointed. Veronica caught her eye and gave a sad smile as she went towards the Slytherin table. Well, Winteria thought, I have Susan. And just because we're in different Houses doesn't mean we can't be friends, right?

"Potter, Harry!"

" Harry Potter?"

" Potter? Like the famous Potter?"

Whispering erupted all around Winteria. Susan was also looking excited; she stretched her neck, trying to peer over the top of students to see the boy. Winteria did the same and saw a small, dark-haired boy with glasses walk up to the stool. Professor McGonagall signaled for silence, and the Great Hall was quiet at once.

The Sorting Hat was quiet for some time. "What House do you think Harry Potter will be in?" whispered a boy next to Winteria excitedly. "I bet he'll be in Gryffindor, I heard both his parents are in there...but maybe he could be in Hufflepuff..."

Winteria tried to focus on the front. The brim of the Hat opened wide--


A few Hufflepuffs gave a small groan, but most seemed to expect that the famous Harry Potter would not be in their House. Meanwhile, a huge roaring cheer was heard from the Gryffindor table near them. Cranking her neck, Winteria saw the Gryffindors rise, clapping and shouting, all surrounded by the Boy Who Lived. 

"Well," said Susan. "Can't have everyone in our House, right?"

"Yeah," said Winteria. Thinking of Veronica, she asked, "Is Slytherin a bad House?"

Susan frowned. "Well...Slytherin has a bad reputation because most Dark witches and wizards were in that House. But, I don't think everyone in Slytherin is evil."

"Good," Winteria said. She always didn't feel like fitting in, and she wanted as many friends as possible. Looking over to the Slytherin table, Winteria saw Veronica in conversation with a boy with white-blond hair. Well, at least she has no problem making new friends, Winteria thought.

Finally, the Sorting was over. Professor Dumbledore made his speech (Winteria wondered if Dumbledore was a bit crazy, as his "speech" contained only four nonsense words), and everyone in the Great Hall began to dig into the food.

" You know, if I were a Muggle, I'd come to Hogwarts just for the food," said Winteria. She was biting on a large piece of lamb chop.

"Best food in all of Britain," agreed Susan. 

"If you like the food," said a boy next to Winteria. "You're in luck, because our common room is right next to the kitchen. Last year, we went down a lot for a midnight snack."

Winteria noticed it was the second-year boy who had greeted her earlier. He smiled. "Newton Scamander. Nice to meet you." 

Winteria introduced herself, and couldn't help notice that Newton was kind of good-looking. Susan, however, was wide-eyed for a different reason.

"Newton Scamander ? As in—"

"The author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ? Yes. I am his grandson. And this—" he pulled a first-year boy next to him to his side— "is my little brother Rolf."

"Hi," said the boy named Rolf shyly.

Winteria smiled. Well, she thought, there's some new friends right there. 

As the feast was over and they began to go to common rooms, Winteria had a feeling that she was going to love Hogwarts and her time as a Hufflepuff.


A/N: I know that author's notes are kind of annoying sometimes, but Wattpad is really glitchy lately, and I know it is the same for many other authors on the site. I have no idea why, and I'm just intensely frustrated.

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