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A large, black lake was between the castle and Hogsmeade. At the edge, there was a tall man that seemed at least twice as tall as a normal person, and perhaps twice as wide. He had a large beard that was scruffy and a kind face.

"First years...First years..."

"Er..." said Winteria unsurely. She looked at Susan. "That's us, right?"

"Yeah," replied Susan. She looked slightly terrified at the large man, like Winteria. "I think we have to go across the lake..."

Sure enough, as Winteria cranked her neck, she saw dozens of boats near the shore, each big enough to sit about five or six students, and had a lamppost attached to one end.

"Let's go," Susan said. Nervously, she went to the lake, and climbed into one of the boats, tuking her robes under her. Winteria did the same. After a while, all the first years got into a boat, and they slowly started steering towards the castle, already lit up with golden lights from inside.


Just a few moments later, or seemed so to Winteria, they were at the foot of the castle. Clambering out of the boat, all the first years gazed in awe at the face of Hogwarts.

They were directed into the Great Hall by a woman who introduced herself as Professor Mcgonagall. Winteria tried to take in everything, from the four long House tables already filled with older students, to the ceiling that a girl whispered to be enchanted as the real sky above. Finally, her eyes rested to the stool at the front of the Great Hall, and the old, battered pointed wizarding hat resting on top of it.

The Sorting Hat. The Hat that put her grandparents in Hufflepuff, determining their qualities, was about to go on top of her head and tell her where her true heart belonged as well.


"Excuse me—"

Winteria looked to her side. A girl was trying to get to the front, accidentally pushing Winteria as she did so.

"Oops, sorry!" The girl said.

"It's okay," Winteria said.

There was a bit of silence as the two girls looked at each other. "Er...what's your name?" The girl asked. She rolled her eyes. "My parents told me to make as much friends as possible and hang out with 'the right group'. Weird, huh?"

Winteria shrugged. "My name is Winteria Davies."

"Veronica Murray," The girl replied. "What House do you think you'll be in?"

Winteria gulped. She was asked this question already and didn't really want to answer it. ""

But just then, Professor Mcgonagall called for silence and started the Sorting.

"Bones, Susan!"

"Good luck," Winteria whispered to her. Susan nodded, and walked up, shaking, to the stool. Mcgonagall placed the Hat on her head.


Winteria cheered with the rest of the Hufflepuffs at their House tables.

"Davies, Winteria!"

Winteria froze. She didn't expect to be one of the first to be Sorted. Her legs carried her, dream-like, to the stool. She sat down, and the next second, saw only the dark brim of the Hat.

"Hmm...quite smart, I see...and very anxious," a voice said in her ear. "Now, dear, there's no need to be scared, I'll put you where you're bound to belong..."

Hufflepuff is the House my grandparents were in, thought Winteria automatically.

"Hufflepuff...and do you think you fit into that House, like your grandparents?"

Maybe, thought Winteria. I think I'm okay...loyal and friends liked me a lot back home, but I don't think I really fit in...

"You're quite right," said the Hat. "Do not worry, there's nothing to be feared in being different. Well, this is it. HUFFLEPUFF!"

Winteria grinned. The Hat was pulled off her head, and she was almost bouncing as she joined Susan and the rest of the cheering Hufflepuffs at their table.

My Life as a Background HufflepuffWhere stories live. Discover now