Chapter 3

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" Elena quick! Come here" shouted Jason Pace " I'm coming hold up" I shouted even louder. "Run!!" He said and so I did. As I'm running towards this huge metal door where Jason was waiting for me on the other side I pump into this guy that was coming out of his dorm room and knocked him to the floor. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to please forgive me" I said almost crying with my head down because I was just so embarrassed of myself, " It's alright" he said "Don't worry about it I'm fine, are you alright?" I looked up and I felt completely out of place, as if someone had taken me into space and the words could come out of my mouth properly " I- I'm okay thank you" i said and my hands were shaking and so was the rest of my body.

" Good" he answered with the sweetest smile on his face and then walked away. Finally I continued to walk towards where Jason was calling me from and to my surprise it was a cafeteria, i don't know what I was expecting of course he was going to be there that's what he does and he is good at it too. Cooking , that was his thing. " Look at all these foods!" He exclaimed with great excitement " wow I didn't expect such an old place to have so much food , and it's good food too" I said sarcastically, then grabbed his arm pulling him out of there and walking up to the third floor , the one we had not seen yet. The second floor it's not that interesting just a bunch of abandoned classrooms with broken chairs and lots of dust.

" This is sick " I said feeling a bit more relieved "I agree, too bad we don't have swimsuits" said Jason with a bit of sadness in his voice . There was a swimming pool , a big , clean , extremely blue swimming pool and knowing myself like I do you best believe I was going to get in... just not in that moment, perhaps later. We walked back to our dorms, i wanted to go see Hayley i haven't talked to her since we arrived. " Hey I saw you talking to Damian!" She said with a funny dirty look " Damian? Who's Damian?" I said very confused " The cutie you pumped into dummy, I saw you guys talking and I definitely felt something going on" Hayley said still giving me the look "ohhhh" I answered pretending to be surprised "I literally just met him , trust me there is nothing going on okay, although... I must admit he is quite breathtaking"

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