Chapter 6

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I ran downstairs to the dorms and looked for everyone as fast as I could . "Hey Laila come here quickly!" I screamed from one side of the hall to where she was "what's the matter?" She asked sort of scared , "I need you to help me out. Go and tell everyone we'll be having a bonfire at 12" she gave me a look but agreed anyway "oh and by the way" I added " tell them to bring some snacks if they find any" and then she went on to tell everyone. I walked to my dorm and told Phoebe about it and continued to ask her to accompany me to the cafeteria to look for food to take there , and Hayley joined us as well. Right when we were about to enter to the cafeteria Hayley noticed this pretty interesting door, it was a wooden door and very detailed, with some shade of gold in it. It wasn't locked so we decided to explore "I don't want to go in, we don't know what could be in there. We should stay here" suggested Hayley but Phoebe and I wanted to see what was there . "Okay fine go on ,I'll just stay out here and look out for you two" added Hayley . The room was dark and we couldn't find a light switch, luckily I had a flashlight with me that I always keep in my pocket in case I need it, and apparently this was the moment.

The light filled the whole room and we were astonished by what we saw. It was an old band room, filled with instruments of all kinds. "Look at this guitar" said Phoebe taking it from its stand immediately. "I'll take it" she said "I can use it during the bonfire, I can play some songs and sing pretty well too" . "Great idea!" I said with excitement "We should get back now it's almost time to start the bonfire". We finished taking some snacks back, gathered some of our things ; a couple of chairs some blankets, cozy sweaters and headed outside to meet everyone. They were all there ,All twelve of us. Damian , Joseph and Edward lit the bonfire and we all sat down, and I... I was next to him and it felt like my whole world was right there , sitting right next to me but I couldn't do anything, he can't know. I can't ruin this friendship not right now, not ever. I don't want it to end... it won't end. "Who wants some hot cocoa!!!" Reaped Simon over and over laughing until we all agreed to have some , everyone was smiling and happy. We felt like we belonged. "Let's play some truth or dare" suggested Rachel. She is not one to talk much but when she does trust me it's not good, and the worst part? Well everyone wanted to play. I always told her to socialize more and talk more but this moment I regretted it instantly because I knew she would fire at me first. "Elena" she said with a smirk... I knew it was coming I knew it . "Truth or dare, what will it be? And remember if someone refuses to do say or do as told they must do a whole lap around the bonfire " She said trying to mess with my head. "Truth" I said unsure but I knew it would be better than saying dare , or at least that's what I thought.

"Who do you consider the most gorgeous out of all the boys?" She said and there was a silent for a moment everyone looking at me while I looked down not knowing what to answer, "never mind, I'll do the lap" I got up from my seat and started running around the bonfire, It was tiring but I didn't want to answer that question, I would only embarrass myself in front of Damian and put him in an awkward situation. "Up next , Damian" Rachel demanded , trying to mess with him the same way she wanted to mess with me. "Dare" he answered confidently, and all at the same time said "ohhhh" I feel like he was regretting it but in the outside he looked ready. "I want you to make out with the prettiest and nicest girl here" she said once again . "Hey what do you have against ugly people?" Screamed Thomas from the opposite side of the bonfire and everyone laughed, relieving some of the tension but then they all turned towards Damian and I could see he was nervous, and anxious. " Don't listen to her , you don't have to do it if you don't want to" I whispered in his ear , "But I want to" he said . I felt a pain in my chest, I couldn't believe it. All this time I've been falling for him while he was thinking of someone else. I nodded at him even though i was screaming and crying inside. He learned towards me and whispered in my ear while I had my head down "I'm sorry, i hope this won't be awkward" , that's what he whispered and then I lifted my head up trying to look into his eyes and he leaned once more towards me this time putting his hand on my face, moving and directing his lips towards mines and just when they were one centimeter away from touching... "STOP" Rachel yelled in terror "I think that's enough action for today we don't need to see that, you can leave it for some other time , we're not interested" she finished. "Well I thought you were interested" added Damian "You were the one who gave me the dare on the first place" . She didn't say a word but kept giving me the nastiest look throughout the whole night, and that's when I knew. She liked him too , that's why she didn't want us to kiss, she was jealous. She thought he would go and kiss her but he chose me instead. Now I knew, I was going to have to fight for him, not only because he was the one in wanted but he was the one I loved. And I wouldn't let my love get taken away from me so easily, especially if it was Rachel. I won't let it happen - It won't happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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