Chapter 5

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Next day, it was late afternoon and I hear "Joseph!" It was Joe, screaming at the top of his lungs "Come check this out" . Joseph is a good friend of mine, we also used to ride the bus together, he used to sit next to me and fall asleep with his head on my lap. Couldn't handle waking up so early in the morning. "What is it?" He said , seemed like he was in a hurry but he wasn't, that's just the way he was "I found this basketball, want to go play a bit?" Asked Joe and invited the rest of the guys. Thomas and Simon all joined in. I saw Laila and Rachel sitting in the corner of the basketball court behind the fence right where the shadow of the building covered the bleachers. "It's kinda chilly don't you think" asked Rachel, that was one of the few times I've heard her talk. "Yeah, we should go and tell the others , maybe get some sweaters too" said Laila , I nodded and told them I would go inside and let the others know.

Walking towards the building I see Phoebe, Jason and Hayley sitting in the stairs of the hallway chatting and enjoying some ice cream. "Want to join? I heard you're a big fan of ice cream" said Hayley with the same funny look she always gives me "Maybe some other time. Just so you guys know it's getting cold outside so you might want to get yourselves a sweater or something, I don't want any of you getting sick" i said to all of them but directing my eyes towards Phoebe, and why? Well during cold weather even though she knows she won't be able to handle it she still decides to put on the weakest sweater she has , so with my look I had to let her know what she needed to do. Cover up well. I left the group and set out to find Damian, i really wanted to see him and I don't know why . No I don't like him like that, or at least I think so. I just like being around him . He is like the type of person you could never get tired of.

By the time I was ready to give up my search it was about 10:30 pm , but I finally saw him. He was sitting in one of the old classrooms talking with his best friend Edward. I cautiously knocked on the door, didn't want them to think I was spying on them or anything. "Am I interrupting? I can come back later" i said hoping he would ask me to stay. "Could you give us one minute please?" Asked Edward and I could see he seemed annoyed. I waited in the hallway for about 3 minutes then Edward walked out and Damian after him. "Hey is there something you wanted to tell me?" He asked waiting for me to reply but as always it takes me a bit of time to process what I have to say . "Yeah I wanted to let you know about the bonfire we're having later around 12 hope you'll come by it will be fun, everyone will be there" I said , little does he know I just made that up, I didn't know what else to say I just wanted an excuse to see him. "Sure, I'll see you then" he added then walked down stairs into his dorm. Now there was only one thing left to do, gather everyone up and let them know about the bonfire i spontaneously planned with short notice.

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