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@IAmMarley: Check out my newest video on YouTube. A cover of Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Miserables with @rheaplays on the piano!

@netflicks: @IAmMarley one of my favorite songs from that musical!

@keybros_lvr: @IAmMarley still not showing your face in your vids even after that picture was leaked??

@KaitlynKey01: @IAmMarley @keybros_lvr She's a faker, I'm telling you. She only wants the fame that comes with YouTube and messing around with celebrities.

@elliephant: @KaitlynKey01 Learn some respect please.

@ItsBrittanyy: @KaitlynKey01 stop hating on her just because you're jealous she got noticed by Devan. it's rude and immature, thanks xx

@KaitlynKey01: @ItsBrittanyy I'm not jealous, I'm just stating the facts. She's obviously a faker because she still refuses to show her face in her videos even after her picture was leaked. She's a gold digger 🤷🏼‍♀️

@ItsDevanKey: @KaitlynKey01 please stop talking about Marley like that. She doesn't deserve it, and you're being very rude

@IAmMarley started following @ItsDevanKey!

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