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New iMessage to Devan.

Marley: so, care to explain?

Devan: Welcome back from the dead, Mar [DELETED]

Devan: Will you listen?

Marley: that's why i texted you first, my dude.

Devan: Glad to know you're still calling me your dude

Marley: don't flatter yourself. now start typing before i get tired and leave again.

Devan: Someone hacked my Twitter like a week ago

Marley: and you just decided to mention it now?

Devan: I talked to Collins about it, but no one else because I didn't think it was a big deal

Devan: Idk if you noticed, but I'm following like 1000 more people then before, and they're all dumb pages. I'm still trying to go through and delete the ones that aren't fans or people I know

Marley: so, let me guess, whoever hacked your page just so happened to look through our dms and find my picture? and they thought it was funny to steal it and leak it out to the entire internet.

Devan: Idk if that's really what happened, but it's the only explanation I can think of. Please believe me, Mar. I would never even think about going against my promise to you, I respect you and our friendship way too much to do that

" MUSE " D. KEYWhere stories live. Discover now