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Collins changed the name of the chat to "Devan loves Marley more than art."

Rhea: LOL

Marley: what is this shit?

Collins: Okay so update on Devan's current art obsession: he hasn't shown his face in two hours. Starting to get concerned

Jacob: Um, what is he doing? 😳

Collins: Working on some piece of art. I don't even know what it is, and Devan ALWAYS shows me his paintings 😓

Marley changed the name of the chat to "Collins is a dick but also a sweet brother."

Marley: has he even eaten?

Alex: Aw, she's concerned 😍

Marley: stfu, alex.

Collins: He ate lunch, but he disappeared into his room after that and no one's seen his since. The fam's getting worried.

Marley: it's 2016, collins. leave that stupid slang behind in 2015 plz.

Collins: Nah, you know you secretly love it

Rhea: only when devan uses it

Collins: True

Collins: I'm about to break my way into his room. Wish me luck

Alex: Yikes

Jacob: Good luck

Devan: Hey guys

Devan: I haven't shown you, Collins, because it's a surprise, bro😊

Marley: ew, that bro though. 😣

Jacob: Oh, you love it

Marley: you right. [DELETED]

Devan: Now leave me to paint in peace please

Collins: No

Marley: no.

Devan: I'm muting you

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