Chapter 3:

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Kate's POV

Once I was finished talking on the phone I went back to find Danielle. She had already found a table for us. I had to tell her what was going on. My cousin Briana had called me saying she caught Marcus cheating on me. I know it can't be true.

"You took really long" Danielle said as I was approaching her.

"Yeah Brianna phone called me saying that she found Marcus cheating on me" I tell her.

"That's a surprise" she rolls her eyes, starting to stand up.

"Uh Dani be careful someone's behind y-" my voice lowers as she bumps into a guy.

"I'm so so-" she stops.

"Why is it I'm meeting you like this again" the guy laughs.

Am I missing something? who the heck is this guy? We've been here for a day and she already met someone? This is some weird boat.

"Have you two met?" I ask really confused.

"Oh uh this is my best friend Kate, Kate this is-" she stops.

"Josh" he answers for her.

"Nice to meet you" i say being polite.

"You too" he smiles.

Then he and Danielle get into some conversation about who knows what. I really do not know what all of this is about so I excused myself from their conversation and left. I need a smoothie. those sound very good right now.

I sit in the chairs and order a strawberry, banana smoothie. Once he handed me the smoothie I drank right away.

"Excuse me what drink is that?" some guy next to me asks.

"It's a strawberry banana" I answer him.

"Thanks" he said and orders the drink.

"It's a really good drink" I tell him.

"I can see that, you were kinda chugging it down" he laughs.

"Yeah sorry" I apologize

"Nah it's fine" he shakes his head "but your right it is a good drink"

"Told ya" I smile.

"I like how it's smooth and cool" he adds.

"It is called a smooth-ie, that's why it's so smooth" I say, he laughs a little, I probably sounded like an idiot.

"You sure know how to make a guy laugh"

"Awh no ones told me that before, you made my day" I say honored.

"At least I can make someone's day, My names Nick by the way" he said.

I didn't really see how he looks like till he turned around. He had brown eyes, short curly hair, which was a really nice hairdo and he looked to be around 18-20s.

"Nice, my names Kate" I introduce myself.

"Nice to meet you Kate" he smiles.

"You too" I smile back.

This guy is so friendly. Screw the don't talk to strangers rule.

I get a text from my cousin, and attachment photo was in it along with the message 'don't say I didn't warn you'. I opened he picture to see Marcus holding the girls hand and kissing her cheek. I felt a tear slip down my cheek, I wiped it away before anyone can notice but it was too obvious.

"What's up?" nick asks me noticing what was going in.

"Relationship problems" I simply say.

"I get what you mean"

"You do?"

"Yeah two months ago I was with a girl, Maria" he stopped. "Sorry your probably not interested"

"No it's fine go on" I say.

"Your sure?" he asks and I nod for him to go on,

"Maria was the love of my life, I did anything for her, until one day she left me for another guy, who was better, I was heartbroken, she was using me to get to the other guy" he explains.

"I'm so sorry" I say wiping another tear.

"It's fine, that's the reason I'm on this boat, to get away from the drama, to forget about her," he said.

"You'll find someone better" I reassure him.

"I hope so" he said sadly, "I know it's none of my business but what's this problem"

"Well my boyfriend of two years cheated on me, I didn't believe it at first, but there's a picture and I can't believe I went out with him, and of course he goes for the better looking girl"

"I've been through it all, but you know what, it does get a little better, even though it does hurt, it'll be fine" he said.

"Hopefully, I'm just so stupid for not realizing before" I take another gulp of my smoothie.

"No your not", he said smiling.

"I didn't realize the bad things he did, all I would do is block that and only recognize the good things he did" i suddenly realize. Damn, I just realized I did the same" he said suprised.

"Tell me about it" I sigh.

We talk for a while more till we finished our four smoothies. During those moments I would cry because I was upset, laugh because of Nick making me laugh or just get mad for all the things I did for Marcus. Besides I made a new friend, who was really nice.

Once I go back to my hotel room I see Danielle looking through her closet for something...

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