Kieth (Lance)

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Lance woke up in a cold sweat. That was almost the sixth night in a row that he had a nightmare. He tried to sleep again but slowly realized it was futile. He sat up and decided to go to the pool for the 6th time that week.

Lance slowly rolled out of bed and shuffled around the pile of tech needed to get killbot fantasm to work. He pulled his swim trunks out of his closet and changed into them before slipping out into the hallway.

As he walked, he started thinking about his nightmare. Most nights, they were about him finally getting back to earth only to find the Galra had killed his family. Tonight, however, was different.

In his dream, all that had happened was he had heard screaming coming from Kieths room, which happened to be next to his. That was enough to make him scared. He hesitated in front of Keith's door as walked past, wondering what had brought the dream on.

Sure, Kieth and Lance had had their differences in the past, but they were starting to get along at least a little better, right? They didn't fight as often, they were able to have a nice conversation. Lance was finally making some progress with officer mullet.

Lance smiled at the nickname his brain had supplied on a whim as he stepped towards the pool door. He waited for the doors to open for him and walked in.

The first thing he noticed were waves coming from the middle of the pool. The second was a blob of color at the bottom. Lance froze. Did someone else decide to go for a late night swim? It didn't look like they were moving.

Lance panicked. They weren't moving! Without thinking, Lance dived into the water and swam down. He saw Kieth floating near the bottom of the pool and tears stung at the corners of his eyes.

He grabbed Kieth under the arms and started pulling him upward. He wasn't going to let anything happen to Kieth. He had to be alive. He had to. Lance dragged Kieth out of the pool and laid him on the floor.

"Help! Is anyone nearby? Please! Help! Somebody!" Lance looked at Kieth and started trying to shake him awake. "Kieth! Kieth, don't die on me! Come on, Keith! We need you! I need you! Wake up! Please! Please."

Lance felt his last shred of hope disappear as he noticed the most sickening thing in all the universe. Kieth was smiling. His mouth was still slightly turned up. Of all the times for him to be happy.

The worst part was that Lance had never seen a truer happiness on Kieth's face than at that moment. He gave up on calling for help and collapsed on Kieth's chest. The realizing of the truth sunk in.

Lance let tears stain Kieth's already soaked shirt he continued to shake against what had once been a teammate and, dare he say it, friend. He shook with tears of guilt and regret, for not being nicer to Kieth, before it was too late.

His entire being was shaken by the knowledge that if he had reached out to Kieth earlier, that might have been enough to keep him from doing this. Lance sobbed and wailed.

He didn't care what would happen the next day, or the next week, or even the next year. All he cared about was the torture that was cradled in his arms.

"I guess the tables have turned, huh?" Lance tried to make himself laugh, but could only release another sob as he pulled what once held his friend close.

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