The Story Of Indie Deyes...

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"Indie! Wake up your going to be late for school!" I heard my dad shout from the bathroom loudly.I check the clock to see it was 8:10am.

I groaned and moaned and turned over in my bed and fell asleep again. Until I heard my dad burst in the door and jumped onto my bed tickling me.

"Dad no,no, no! Stop! Help! Help!!" I shouted while laughing.

"What's all this noice?" My mum said while walking into the room putting her earrings on.

"Tell this mini one that she needs to get up and dressed for school" my dad said while looking up at my mum and then back to me.

"I don't really feel well, I can I just stay at home please?" I said with puppy dog eyes and coughing lightly to show how 'unwell' I was.

"Hm, well...ok, just this once!" My mum said while giving me a little smile and walking off to get me water.

My mum and dad didn't work. Well they did but they were youtubers, They stayed inside our house to do the work most of the time but they have to do loads of other things outside, like going to their PO box and Google HQ. They also meet up with their youtube friends a lot to do collabs.

My dad was going out at 9am to head down to London to go to Google HQ and meet up with Jim, He's married to Tanya. They are lovely! My mum was staying in all day and was making a video about her monthly favourites. My mum always asks me to help focus the camera when she's filming so I guess it just became my job. It gets tough in school sometimes, everyone in school knows that my mum and dad do youtube and most of them watch their videos. But, they expect me to be just like them. I'm 14 and I have no idea what I want to do with my life but they expect me to just do youtube. Truth is, i'm not to sure I want to do youtube. Anyway, I get a lot of hate aswell but I guess that's normal but id never tell my mum or dad as they would just hate themselves.

Its now 9am and my dad has just gave me a kiss goodbye and left the house to head off to London. We live in Brighton, I don't really know the full story of how my mum and dad met as I barely see my parents oddly enough as they do most work in the house but I go out a lot with my friends to town and parks. My mum and dad get worried that because im an only child that I will get lonely but im the total opposite, A lot of people want to be my friend so they can come to my house and see my mum and dad but I had a very close chummy that was the exact same as me. Her name is Darcy. Darcy lives with Louise and Matt, Louise is a youtuber and is my mums Chummy. We both understand what its like to live in a house with youtubers and to be hated.

My mum walked in the room with a glass of cold water and a hot water bottle.

"What would you like to do today, mini one?" she said while sitting on my bed.

"I dunno." I said while shrugging.

"Well, you could help me with my video and then we could have a look at my box full of memories that I found the other day? sound good?" she said while smiling at me.

"Sound great!" I said getting up and following my mum into her and my dads room.

My mum was in a Bright pink dress and had black sandals on and had her ombre hair in a high pony with just natural makeup on. She started pulling all the filming equipment out and I started to put it all up. I lay on the bed while my mum fixed the camera settings.

"How long have you done youtube for mum?" I asked while looking up at her curiously.

"about 10 years now darling." she said while staring at her camera fixing it.

"Do you ever get bored of it?" I said.

"Sometimes it hard and you get a lot of negative feedback but the thumbs up on the videos will always over do the thumbs down and that's what keep my going. Youtube is a thing ill never get bored of, ive met so many people and done so many things and ive still got more to do." She said while sitting down next to me and explaining.

A lot of people compared me and my mum. I had her blue eyes, her lips, her nose, her long hair. My hair was long but wasn't ombre, my hair was naturally dark brown and the top and at the bottom golden brown. I had my dads lovely soft skin and his smile. You could say I had an average size head as my dads is huge and my mums is tiny.

My mum got up and started to film while I stood up behind the camera focusing things and making sure things were alright.

"Well that my May favourites, thank you so much for watching, Like and subscribe, I love you! Byeeeeee!" she said while waving crazily at the camera.

People comment on my mums video about how shes got the youtube touch. She knows what to do and never fails to make a bad video but a lot of people comment bad things on their videos about how they are getting older now. My dads late 20's and my mums early 30's I mean that's not old!

My mum stood up off her chair and went to the bed and knelt down and rummaged around under the bed and pulled out a huge box. Her box full of memories.

"Come here Indie." she said while patting the space next to her.

I walked over and sat down with my legs in a basket.

"Now, I know I always tell you not to watch me and your fathers videos and you ask us a lot of questions about our past and how we met and stuff. and well I made this memory box years and years ago so that I could remind myself and show you everything that happened to me through youtube. The first time I met Louise and Alfie, The first meetup, my first date with Alfie. Its all in here." She said while pulling of the lid to the huge box and patting all the diaries and papers in it.

I looked inside and pulled out a few things. There were loads of diares and many pieces of paper with a lot of writing. There were a few postcard and a lot of cinema tickets. There was also a rose and a few other little bits and bobs.

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