Not the end!

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While my mum was telling me about all the people she had met through youtube, I couldn't help but think of all the opportunities I would have if I don't it too! it did sound like fun!


The next day when I woke up, I rose my head from Alfie's chest to see him staring at me smiling.

"Good morning Little one." He said while playing with my hair.

"Good morning big one." I said cheekily, which made him laugh.

My phone started ringing and I grabbed it off the bedside table and rolled onto my back. It was Joe, I cancelled it, knowing he would be worried about me not coming home last night. Joe was very protective over me as he knows I get panic attacks and also I had a very BAD relationship before! I wont go into detail.

"Who was that?" Alfie asked curiously.

"Just Joe." I said back not knowing that Alfie would be so confused and upset.

"Joe who?!" Alfie asked with a puzzled face and looked hurt.

" brother..." I said looking into him laughing at him being so hurt.

"Oh...I..em.. I thought he was your boyfriend..." He said back nervously and giggling.

"No, Silly!" I said back hit his muscular arm.

I stood up and Alfie grabbed my hand,

"Don't go." he said with puppy dog eyes.

"Come on Alfie." I said laughing at him.

I made my way to the bathroom and had a quick shower. I then put on my clothes that I was wearing last night and made my way back to Alfie's room.

"You heading off so soon?" he asked pushing his bottom lip out making him look sad. He was still sat in the same position as I left him in.

"Well not in these heels i'm not! Can I borrow a pair of your shoes, pleaaaaseeeee?" I asked with a pout.

"Fine" he said while rolling his eyes and laughed at me as I ran over to his white converse and slipped them on my feet, they were a bit big but would do till I got home.

"I guess you'll need my grey hoodie aswell." he said sighing shaking his head jokingly.

I kissed him on the cheek slowly and gently and said,

"If you don't mind I will take your hoodie" I had my lips very close to his cheek still.

Before I knew it Alfie turned his head his lips were on mine. He put his hand on my lower back and our lips moved in the same motion.

"I better go wake up Louise." i said while pulling away and biting my bottom lip, i could tell Alfie wasn't ready to pull away, but i left him wanting more. Alfie got up from the bed and kissed me again on the lips a soft but meaningful kiss and started to get dressed as i walked down the stairs to the living room.

"Louiseeeeee, Wakey, wakeyyyy" i said softly while Louise started to batter her eyelids.

"What, where are we chummy? What time is it? my head. ouch!" She said while screwing up her eyes and looking about her. You looked like she had a very BAD hangover.

"We are at Alfie's house, he kindly let us stay the night. It's 11am and im going to go get you some medicine and water." i said while patting her on her head and heading to the kitchen.

I grabbed a glass and ran the cold water into it. I then rummaged through the cupboards to get some medicine for Louise, when i felt two warm hand on my hips.

"What you up to little one?" Alfie asked as he popped his head onto my should as i popped 1 pain killer out for Louise.

"Well Louise is awake and she's hungover so im getting her some medicine." i said while kissing his cheek right next to my face.

"I'll take it into her." Alfie insisted as he took the water and medicine out of my hand and walked into the living room.

I got myself some coffee and made one for Alfie too, i was about to walk into the living room when i heard Louise and Alfie talking about me.

"I really like her Louise, i don't want to mess it up" Alfie said to Louise.

"Zoe had been really hurt in the past and i know you'd never hurt Zoe, it's just, i don't know if shes ready." Louise said to Alfie.

"Oh, ok" Alfie said sounding very disappointed.

Louise was right, i don't know if i am ready and I've only just met Alfie. But i know that Alfie made me happy and that's all that mattered to me.

"I made us some coffee." I said while walking into the living room acting as if i didn't hear them talking about me.

"Thanks Zoe!" he said while taking his coffee.

"Where's my coffee?" Louise asked looking horrified that i hadn't got her one, which made me and Alfie chuckle.

"Your sobering up with water!" i said laughing and she laughed too.

It had gone on 1pm, Louise had a shower and got into her clothes from last night, she said she didn't need a coat because she was burning up, which was true but i knew she would regret it as soon as we left Alfie's.

I was waiting at the front door for Louise to finish up in the toilet, when Alfie appeared.

"I'm going to miss you little one!" he said while putting his bottom lip out and his big eyes looking sad.

"I'm going to miss you too!" i said while pulling him in for a hug. Alfie pulled away and kissed me on the lips, i kissed back passionately. We both pulled away as we could hear the bathroom door unlock. I zipped up Alfie's big grey hoodie and grabbed my bag. 

While Louise and Alfie were saying there goodbye's, i noticed that Alfie had a notepad on the table at his front door, i quickly wrote down my number and then me and Louise headed off to the train station.

I knew that this wasn't the end of me and Alfie. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2014 ⏰

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