The Past

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I rummaged through the large box full of memories and pulled out a train ticket to London and looked up at my mum with a curious face.

"When I was younger and just started youtube, I didn't know anyone and had no idea how to get more subscribers. Its a slow process trying to get subscribers but that all changed when I went to my first every youtube party..."


I was 19 and I had just started youtube. I had been emailed by youtuber that watched my videos.

Her name was Louise.

She had a channel named 'SprinkleOfGlitter' She had about the same amount of subscribers and her channel was about fashion and beauty. She seemed very lovely, The email read...

Hello, My name is Louise from SprinkleofGlitter on youtube.

I watch all of your videos and they never fail to make me happy! I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to a youtube party, held by Tanya Burr from Youtube. I hope you come with me and we can be great chummies!

The party is on 20th November 2009.

Lots of love,



I was very surprised at how lovely she was and surprised that she wanted me to come with her. I was very familiar of Tanya Burr. She had started a youtube channel about 2 months ago and she did many tutorials on makeup and fashion tips. She was very pretty and had a boyfriend names Jim Chapman. He also had a youtube channel which he started at the start of the year. His sisters owned the youtube channel 'Pixiwoo' They were spectacular at makeup. They made me look terrible at it, But the viewers enjoyed it.

I replied back to Louise almost immediately,

Hello Louise,

I would absolutely LOVE to come with you to the party! Shall we talk more about it over Skype? I'm very excited, I love your channel! can't wait to meet you!

Love, Zoe


I sent the email and she replied back with her phone number and email. We went onto Skype and talked for hours about youtube and how we were scared about getting 'out there' more and we understood each other.

It was now the 5th of November a Thursday. Me and Louise decided to go meet up together in London and get some clothes for the party on Saturday.

I was very excited to meet Louise, in a way I had felt like I had known her for years, before this day we had skyped all the time and always text eachother.

As I was at a small rounded table in starbucks drinking my coffee, a brunette lady with bright coloured clothing walked through the door and searched the place till her eyes landed on me. I immediately knew it was Louise.

"Zoe! How nice to meet you!!!" she said while hugging me tightly and grinning.

"Louise! How are you?!" I asked while we released each other from the hug and took our seats at the rounded table.

"I'm good thanks, I'm so excited for this party! Are you?" she asked with a huge smile across her face.

Louise had a gap between her two front teeth but I liked it. She has big blue eyes and was very lovely makeup.

"I'm very excited but slightly nervous! I'm scared I'm going to go into a panic." I said while fidgeting abit.

Louise already knew I had panic attacks and understood as her little cousin suffered from them too.

"Don't worry, i'm going to cling onto you for the whole night!" She said and we giggled.

"Who's all going?" I asked curiously.

"Well Obviously Tanya and her boyfriend Jim. Then she invited Sam and Nick from Pixiwoo, Phil from AmazingPhil, Dan from DanIsNotOnFire, Joey Graceffa, Vivianna from ViviannaDoesMakeup, Tyler Oakley, Estee from Essie Button and Alfie from PointlessBlog and loads more." She said while taking long pauses in-between each name thinking of more people.

"Woah, that's a lot of people!" I sais gasping abit

I knew a few of the people that Louise mentioned, I knew most of the girls and half of the boys but im excited to meet new people.

We finished our drinks and then headed off to topshop, primark and new look.

When we finished our successful shopping me and Louise parted at London train station and she got her train to North Hampton and I got mine back to Bath. Louise hated trains so we texted the whole way on the train until we both we home and safe.

Me and Louise skyped the next day, talking about all the stuff we needed to bring and what we were wearing and what look we were going for. When we were coming to the end of our Skype we decided to meet at London station at 6pm near starbucks. The party was at Tanya's House, she didn't really stay there but she owned a flat there because she goes to London a lot to work. The party starts at 6:30 so me and Louise would just get a taxi to the party and see how the rest turned out. We ended our call and were very excited.

I jumped off my bed and got into my PJ's and took off all my makeup and put on some moisturiser and serums. I then put my hair in a messy bun and went to bed and dreamt of the exciting day ahead of me!

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