To New Friends!

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I was very surprised that my mum was telling me all of this, We rarely talked about her past. But I like it! Its really funny to think of my mum this way!


I was waiting outside starbucks with a simple LBD (Little black dress) and black heeled wedges with a big gold necklace and I had my hair curled but brushed through and I had a dark smoky eye and had rimmel kate moss '107' on my lips. I also had a black blazer as it was chilly and a black purse.

I see Louise walking towards me wearing a bright orange dress with a black blazer and a white bag. She had on high black shoes and a big white necklace. She did her makeup very beautifully and had on a dark orangey redy lip. She looked spiffing!.

"You look amazing Louise!" I said while looking her up and down and smiling.

"You look utterly Spiffing yourself Zoe!" She said while pulling me in for a hug.

We had already ate before we met and didn't want to drop anything on ur dresses so we walked about for a bit until it was 6:20. We hopped into a black cab and told the man the address to the party and we arrived in minutes. We could of walked but how were we to know. We hopped out of the taxi and we look at a huge white building. We were a few minutes early so we just waited and looked about and then we buzzed her number and heard a sweet voice.

"Hello! Come in, come in! My room number is 20!" She said really quickly and she cut off and the door opened.

We found door 20 and she was standing at the door with open arms. She wearing a beautiful purple dress that hugged her figure perfectly and she had her light brown hair in a milkmaid braid, she had on black heels and gold earrings. Behind her, I could see a couple of people walking around in her flat, I recognised Jim but no one else.

"Hello!" Tanya said snapping me out of my daze.

"Oh, Tanya, how lovely to finally meet you!" I said while pulling her in for a hug

"I'm so glad to meet you both!" she said pulling us both in for hugs again and me and Louise giggled a bit.

We walked in and were greeted by Jim as well. He was a lovely tall, sweet man. Me and Louise then took a seat on the couch and looked about us. They had a huge TV that was on the wall, it was on a music channel which was very loud, behind the couch was a kitchen and then there was a door that looked like it lead of to the bedrooms and bathroom. There was a big table that had ALOT of alcohol on it, there were also bowls with food and stuff in them. Jim had a bottle of beer in his hand and was talking to two boys with Black hair. Louise had told me that that was none other than Dan and Phil! They also had beers in their hands. Tanya was still standing at the door greeting more people, every now and then she would look round at me and Louise and wave with her free hand as she was drinking white wine.

The flat started to get a bit crowded and me and Louise were no longer on the couch we were in a corner talk to Sammi from BeautyCrush and Fleur from FleurDeForce. Everyone was drinking except for me. I've never been a big fan on alcohol so I just don't bother with it or cigarettes. I looked at my watch to see that it was only 7pm! I felt like it was 10pm! I started to get a bit dizzy and the music got louder and louder until my heart was racing to the beat. I started to sweat and I caught sight of the balcony door and ran to it.

I opened the door and took in a large gasp of air. I tried to calm myself down but I was making myself worse. I sat down in a deck chair and put my head into my hands.

I felt a big hand on my should, I jumped with fright to look up to see, Alfie Deyes.

"Are you ok? I seen you rush out and followed you to make sure your ok." He said while sitting next to me and smiling.

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