China Tour Pt. 1

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Author's P.O.V.

Day one

The plane landed smoothly on the runway. A computerised voice erupted from the cockpit.

"Welcome to Bejing, now you can..."

"You know ge there is a new Gucci store in Beijing, I really wanna go there-"

"Stop it panda. I am not going with you at all." Kris snapped at the younger.

"Ge~" Tao whined leaning towards him. He pouted and looked at the older with puppy eyes, trying his best to persuade him.

"Stop playing hard. I'm not gonna fall for that look. You look ugly." Kris scrunched his face in disgust.

Tao huffed and leaned back on his seat. He sulked.

"I just wanted to spend time with you ge." He mumbeled.

Kris rolled his eyes. He was definitely not going to fall for his tricks. "Okay, I'll go." He said anyways.

They were partner through out the trip and being the older one and the one in charge, he was not going to risk the childish fellow getting lost while trying to explore the big city himself.

"Thank you ge. You're the best!" Tao hugged him in excitement.

"Ew, stay away from me." Kris shouted pushing the boy trying to pepper him with his nasty smoochs. But the boy didn't let go off him.

"Yah! Panda, if you don't leave me this instant I'm gonna change my mind." He threatened him.

The boy let him off but he still hopped on his seat with happiness. Kris rolled his eyes and walked out of the cabin. Tao hurried followed him.

"Yah! Luhan! Stop it. We landed already." Xiumin tried to calm the shook deer.

"Lets get out of here now." He continued in embarrassment looking at the air hostesses giving them bad look. The teen had screamed and cried all trough the flight and they were not even a bit pleased.

"Lu oppa, man up. I didn't knew you scream like a girl when you are scared." Ga Young volunteered to help Xumin.

"Who said I am not manly. I am definitely manly."

Luhan quickly stood up hearing her words.

"And it was Xumin hyung who was screaming, not me." He left them dumbfounded as he walked away.

"Yah! You brat. I didn't scream."

Xiumin ran behind him hitting him on his head.

Ga Young stood there laughing, watching them fight. It was just the first day of their seven days China trip, and she was already loving it. Everything felt so exciting and peaceful.

"Get out fast, stupid pig."

A voice came interrupting her peace. Her blood boiled in anger just hearing the voice, let alone the snarky comment.

Knowing who was behind her without looking back, she threw back an equally cocky reply with a smirk.

"What if I don't want to? You got any problem Mr. Giant?" She spun on her heels to face him. "Or is it that you will miss me?"

"Aish, think whatever you want but just get out of the way. You are blocking my way."

Chanyeol pushed her making her butt land on the soft cushion of seat and squeezed himself from the walking lane beside her. He walked away poking his tongue at her.

Something inside her happened. Thick smoke closed her head as her eyes twitched. She lost all her nerve.

"You stupid giant! I am so gonna kill you!"

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