Importance of English Language

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"Importance of English Language"

Language is one of the main ways to communicate and interact with people around us. Many languages are spoken around us everyday, most of which are insignificant to us due to various reasons. But, English language is one of those few languages whose importance cannot be denied in today's world. Even though it is not the official language of the world, English has earned its place in the list of it's most prominent languages.

English language is the international language which is spoken in many countries around the globe. this language is playing a vital role in educational sectors, health sectors, business, etc. Most of the books, whether they are related to the course or not, are written in English language. Many films, videos, music, etc. are made using the same language. Even this essay is in English language. According to statistics, English is the most used language on the Internet as about 25.3% of the Internet users use English. Though there is the option of translation to other languages, it is usually unreliable, especially if it is done in the less renowned languages. In schools, English is taught as a compulsory subject because of its importance. Even in business, the cross-boarder communication is done in English. English is understood by many people around the world, hence, communication is easier with this language.

English language is an important language because it is spoken and understood in almost all countries of the world. Because of this very reason, communication between and among people is easier as well as clear, which helps to prevent misunderstanding and promote brotherhood. Hence, 'English language is very important'.

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