Our Culture: Our Identity

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Our Culture Is Our Identity

Every person has their own unique identity and culture. Culture plays a huge role to shape our identity. A person's beliefs and morals are made up by the culture and they remain throughout the life of a human being. Culture is what makes a person who he/she is today and what he/she will be in the upcoming future, Identity of a person wouldn't exist if it was not for their own culture and values that they have carried along the years.

Culture, itself influences out behaviors, manners and morals. Such behaviors and morals of people determine their identity. People identify others on the basis of these aforementioned aspects only. They are identified as good people or bad people on the basis of their cultures. In this way, culture vastly influences our identity. Only a few people do not allow their culture to determine their identity and break out from such cultures for the better or the worse.

In Nepal, the phrase, 'Our Culture, Our Identity' is especially true. The lifestyle of Nepalese people is vastly influenced by culture, from dawn till dusk and from the birth till the death. Each and every moment of our life is directed by culture. Thankfully, most of our cultures are good. In our country, Nepal, there are variety of cultures of variety of castes, religions and ethnic groups. The cultures differ even among the people of same geographical regions as well as the people of the same state. Sometimes, they differ even among the people of the same castes and ethnic groups.

We recognize people on the basis of their cultures. We know about what caste and ethnic group they belong to, what state and region they come from and also about the country they are from. In the countries around the world, we Nepalese are known for our variety in the culture and our unity while celebrating them. Hence, 'Our Culture Is Our Identity'

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