we are fifteen

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▪️▪️we are fifteen ▪️▪️

Dear Virat,

This year would've been nicer if you wouldn't have flirted with Naina, and I wouldn't have slapped that 12th grader Rishabh for acting like a douchebag.

What were you thinking when you were talking all those juicy stuff with her?! I mean, I get that she's intelligent and pretty and all, but you cannot like her. I hate that Naina so much.

More than that, I hate you. I hate you because you cannot see how I feel happier around you, how I blush when you compliment me, how only you make me smile. Why can't you see that I, kind of, love you?

Yes, you read it right. I maybe in a little love with you. You know mom told me that true love means knowing everything about that person and still loving them; that it means prioritising the person's happiness above yours. After knowing all this, I'm sure as hell that I love you. And loving you so deeply gives me courage Virat, and I'm sure if you feel the same way, your love will give me strength to ride over anything.

They say that you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time. But truth to be told, Virat, I expected me to fall for you. I just knew it even when I'd no idea about love.

Do you remember how we met? You shoved your way right through me in the kindergarten, making the kit-kat I was eating fall, and then the next day, you came with a an adorable sorry card. You taught me how to ride bicycle along with dad. You helped me to sneak out of those boring Biology lectures. You're the only person I share my lunch with. 

Virat, I cannot think of a single happy moment of my life which doesn't involve you. Then how could I not fall in love you? Because when I look at you, I can feel it. When I look at you, I'm home. I don't think I can live without you.

I know this sounds stupid. We're hardly fifteen and still growing and I'm talking about loving you to the extent that I can't even breathe without you.

Maybe that's why I want you, Virat. But I'll not hate you if you don't want me.

I hope you don't stop talking to me after this letter. No, it won't make me happy or sad; I just won't be myself if I lose you. 

Love always,


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