Chapter 4

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It's was morning and in the castle some one was trying to find a familiar for herself that'll help her grow stronger and help save her family. She was in her room chanting something to a crystal ball. The crystal ball went from foggy to an image of the forest on the hill. See looked at it and realized it was the forest miles away or so from the castle. She quickly packed her bags and started her way towards the forest. She didn't understand why it showed a forest but she did know that her familiar that would help her grow stronger and help save her family was there.

Mean while in the forest Hades (Jason) was just lying down in his cave on the skins of the animals he had made into his bed. The girls had left last night saying they needed to return to the castle to report back but wouldn't say anything about him and that they would return back to him. He liked that they said that but told them to go ahead and report about him. He wanted the king to know he has a dragon (dragon god) in land that could wipe the entire kingdom out in one wave of his hand. They had left with the best thing Jason had heard from there mouths. "Goodbye master. We'll return after we talk to the king to serve you".

Once that was out of the way Jason went to the back of his cave to sleep. It after all has been three days since he's been in this world and he hasn't had a single ounce of sleep and a dragon, escpeically a dragon God needs it's sleep.

He was five hours into his sleep when he heard a voice. An unfimiliar feminine voice. The voice started getting closer and closer until it was right outside his cave.

Footsteps started to echo in the cave and then a he heard the voice speak again. But it was clearer. "Hello? Is anyone or anything in there?" After Jason heard this he got up and started waking towards the person. He was just a mere 10 feet away in the shadows when the person or girl rather used a magic spell to create a ball of light. The light shown through the cave and the girl could see Jason clearly.

Once she saw Jason, she just stood there. In amazment at how big and beautiful the creature before her was. She had a feeling inside her that she felt while looking at the creature. She felt warmth. A warmth that told her not only was this her familiar, but something else.

For Jason he was surprised. Surprised because this is the first girl he had meet that didn't faint when she saw him. But instead looked at him like a pieace of art that was worth fortunes.

While she felt the feeling of warmth, Jason felt nothing. He just looked at her surprised. Out of no where the girl screened something along the lines of "y-you must be my familiar that I've been looking for. The one that'll help me grow stronger and save my family from the demons that took them!". Jason was shocked at what she just said and spoke up. "I have no clue what you just said but all I got is familiar, grow stronger, and save someone? But if what I got summed up what you just said, I'm not interested.". What that he just huffed out a hit cloud of steam from his nose and turned back to his bed and started walking. But the girl had different plans. "Excuse me but what do you think to your doing?!" "I'm going back to sleep. What dose it look like." With those words said Jason continued to walk to his bed but he girl got in his way and looked at him with a scowl and yelled "Your suppose to be my familiar. The master of a familiar knows when the creature in front of them is their familiar because that person will feel warmth from the proximity of the creature while the creature will feel nothing!" Jason heard her crytal clear this time and just looked at her. "What makes you think I felt nothing, huh?" "Because you just huffed a hot cloud of smoke in my faced and tried to walk away. So that means your my familiar!" Said the girl while puffing out her DD chest with a look of triumph. Jason looked at her and just realized she was right he felt nothing and she was a persistent one at that. He knew that if he didn't become her familiar she would probably just camp outside his cave and every day come in and annoy him till he gave up on defeat. "*Sigh* Fine. If I agree to become your familiar what will I get out of it?" "You'll grow stronger along with me and be my best friend." Inside the girls head she was thinking of how cute Jason would be in human form and if he was human he could've been something more than a friend to her. "Fine. I'll be your familiar. Now how does this whole familiar thing work?" Once he said that a black stream with red streaks that looked like an arua started to flow from him to the girl and meet with a blue arua half way. They combined and a black, red, and blue seal was formed in it. It had the design of a dragon with a rider. The girl was mesmerized with it while Jason just looked at it like it was nothing.

Once the seal vanished the girl shouted something. Jason looked at her and asked "could you repeat that?" "I said ive finally found my familiar that'll help me with my goals. Now what should I name you" Jason looked at her like she had two heads and said "my name's Hades. And I'm the dragon god of death. So show some respect towards me or I'll bite your head off. Got it? The girl looked at him and shook her head to the point where Jason thought it might fall off if she kept doing that. Once she was doe shaking her head she said "W-well h-hades it's nice t-to m-meet you. My n-names Crystal." "It's nice to meet you to Crystal now what are we suppose to do?" While Hades (jason) was talking Crystal was thinking to her self of how her familiar is the creature that's a dragon god of death and is the one from the prophecy of how he could either save or destroy this world. "Crystal....Crystal........Crystal!" Jason woke Crystal from her thoughts. "Sorry what did you say I was thinking? Sorry." "Ugh. I was asking what we do now?" Crystal didn't think of that then thought about and made a quick dessicion. "Your going to come with me back to the castle and live with me there and go on missions with me."


Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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