Chapter 7 - The Return Of Kayden

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Kenzie's POV

1 Year Later
It was super early in the morning and I got ready to go to the park.
When I arrived, I was immediately greeted with my friends, Ruby, Nadia and Lauren. Yeah, me and Nadia are really good friends now. It turns out that Lauren had known Ruby and Nadia since she was little.
"Kenz! You're here! Finally! Here you go." Nadia squealed as she then reached into her bag and pulled something out of it. It was an envelope.
She passed it to me and I opened it. It was an invitation to a christmas party that Ruby and Nadia were having at their house.
"Thanks so much guys! I'll defo come!" I said. "Who else is going?"
"Just Lauren." Ruby replied. "Its gonna be the perfect girls night!"
We hung out for a while at the park. It was so much fun.
We took it in turns on the swings. Ruby and Nadia were on the swings whilst I pushed Ruby and Lauren pushed Nadia.
After that, we went to Starbucks and we all ordered the same drink. We took them to go and decided to go shopping at the mall. It was so much fun!
First we went to Sephora and I bought some new purple lip gloss and a pallet of eyeshadow.
Nadia and me decided to go to TopShop whilst Lauren and Ruby went somewhere else. Probably the new ice cream place that had just opened up.
"I legit can't believe that me and you were once enemies Kenz. This is one of the best moments of my life. I really hope that we can just forget about everything that happened before and enjoy these moments." She said to me.
"I agree with you Nads. I am so so glad we're friends again." Then we hugged and I saw a super cute top.
"Omg! I need it!" I screamed.
Nadia jumped and turned around in confusion. The look on her face was priceless. I started laughing super hard before showing her the top.
She loved it too. I immediately grabbed it off of the rack and we both ran to the queue. Luckily, there was only one person in front of us.
As soon as the woman had finished buying her stuff, I slammed the top down onto the till counter.
Once we had bought it, I ran into the changing room and I threw on the top.
I stepped out and Nadia immediately squealed with joy.
"Its amazing! It like totally suits you!" She said. Well. Screamed really.

At the Turner's house

Ruby's POV

It was about 10:30 pm and me and my big sister, Nadia, were having a sleepover. We had invited our two best friends, Lauren Orlando and Kenzie Ziegler.
Before they came over to the sleepover, we went to the park, then Starbucks and then shopping at the mall. After shopping, we all met up at Dunkin Donuts, got some donuts and walked over to mine and Nads's house. Nads is what we all call Nadia.
As soon as we arrived, me and Nads showed the girls our secret hideout that nobody else knows about. Not even our parents. Its a small, hidden room. The way to get into it is in Nadia's bedroom.
One day, me and her got bored and decided to wonder around the house. We wanted to see if there were any old toys underneath Nadia's bed. Whilst we were looking, I saw a trapdoor. And thats how we first found it.


"Hey Nads. Come look at this." I said to Nadia.
"What is it Ruby? Promise me you found something interesting." She said.
"Just over here." I gestured towards a wooden trapdoor.
I opened it up and looked down. I saw some stairs and decided to climb down. Nadia followed me.
Once we got down there, I looked around me and saw some cardboard boxes. I looked inside of them and they were all filled with food and drink.
Me and Nadia went back up into her room, grabbed some pillows and blankets and then took them into the secret room.
It was then our secret hideout and we always went there whenever we wanted some time on our own.

Back to the story

We climbed under the bed and down the stairs into the secret room.
The girls seemed amazed.
"Omg this is literally the most amazing thing I have ever seen." Lauren said.
"I must be daydreaming. Are you guys all seeing this too?" Kenzie said.
Wow they really liked it.
"Its not that impressive you guys." Nadia said, walking over to one of the boxes and pulling out a large bag of salty potato chips.
We all sat down in a circle surrounded by a million blankets and pillows, laughing, talking about boys and makeup and stuffing our faces with chips. It was so so so so much fun.
Afterwards, we put all of the makeup that we bought into a pile and tried them all on each other. It was a bit crazy. Once we had finished, we all looked like clowns. It was hilarious.
We decided to take a bunch of selfies with our clown makeup on.
When it got to midnight, all four of us were rolling around on the floor, laughing our heads off.
But suddenly, we heard my mom calling our names and we heard her footsteps coming up the stairs.
We quickly rushed to the stairs, climbed up them as fast as we could and jumped onto Nadia's bed.
Mom walked into the room with a stunned look on her face. We all suddenly realised we were wearing the makeup.
"What have you girls been up to? What is that on your face?" She questioned us.
"Umm. We were playing a circus game and decided to do each others makeup to make us look like clowns
We had just finished the game." Nadia said. She's always been amazing at lying.
"Then where's all the makeup? I don't see anything around." Our mom is always trying to make things seem like we're doing something we shouldn't be.
"We put it in Kenzie's bag cos its her makeup." Nadia could tell that if she said it was in the draw, mom would go looking in there. But she would never dare to go looking through a guest's property.
"Hmm. Very well then." And she went back downstairs.
"Phew." I said. "That was a close one."
Then we all giggled and started looking at the photos we had taken that day. Here are some of them:

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