Chapter 8 - The Hunt

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Johnny's POV

It was the morning after me and Hayden fought. I got up and knocked on Kenzie's door. Well. It was Kenzie, Lauren and Kylee's door. But I was there to talk to Kenzie. Mainly.
I knocked several times but there was no answer. I turned the doornob (it was just a grudge) and it actually opened.
"Kenz. Can I talk to you for a sec?" I said as I walked into the room.
No one was in there. I looked around for a bit.
I looked everywhere but she was nowhere. Neither were Lauren, Kylee or anybody.
"Kenz!" I started panicking.
I ran outside and was about to check inside the tour bus when I saw that it was gone. The three girls must've persuaded the driver to take them somewhere.
I decided to call Kenzie. She wouldn't pick up. Then I tried Lauren. She wouldn't pick up either. Then I tried Kylee but she wouldn't answer either. I fell to the ground. I knew that this was all my fault. I started arguing with Hayden and it made Kenzie upset so she and the girls just left without telling anyone.
I went back inside to see if anyone else was gone but they were all here and eating breakfast. Then I realised some others were missing. Rumer and Helene. They must've all gone together.
"Hey John want something to eat?" My mom said to me. "Also have you seen any of the girls this morning?"
"Umm." I didn't know whether or not to tell them that the girls were missing. "Yeah I saw all five of them about five-ten minutes ago. And I'm not really hungry. I'm just gonna go back to my room." And then I walked off to my room.
As soon as I got in there, I collapsed onto my bed and started crying silently.

Lauren's POV

I woke up before anyone else and looked around me. I was on the tour bus. I quietly got up cos I didn't wanna wake the others.
Rumer and Helene were both on the floor in a really weird posistion that I can not explain. Kylee was asleep on the driver's lap, neither of then wearing much clothing. Uh oh.
And Kenzie was casually asleep on a red beanbag in the hangout area out back. I went and sat next to her on a purple beanbag.
"What on earth are we doing in a tour bus?" I whispered to myself. Apparantly, not quiet enough because Kenz then woke up at that point.
"Hey Laur!" She said whilst yawning.
She looked around and asked the same question.
"Honestly Kenz I have no clue. I can remember us getting on the tour bus and driving off somewhere. But when I woke up, there was red liquid everywhere and the place stinks of alchohol. Also there was a half empty plastic cup in Rumer's hand."
"It could've been half full." She replied.
"Haha." I said sarcastically and we both got up and walked to the front of the bus together.
Rumer was already up and awake when we got there. And she had a worried look on her face.
"What is it?" I asked her.
"Everyone is looking for us. They keep asking where we are. Look at all these text messages they've sent." And she handed us her phone. "I don't even know where we are!" She started breathing heavily.
"Rumer calm down. It's all gonna be fine. I promise." Kenzie said to her. Just then, Rumer fainted.
"Oh great." We both said at the same time.

1 Hour Later

Me and the girls were just sat in the tour bus whilst the driving was trying to find the way home. We had zero signal so we couldn't call or text anyone.
"How are we gonna survive?" I complained.
"Its ok. We just have to wait for someone to call one of us then we can tell them where we are. Or at least where we think we are." Kylee said.
"And where is that? Exactly?" I questioned sarcastically.
About ten seconds later, Kenzie's phone rang. She immediately picked up.
"John! I'm so glad you called! We have no signal so none of us could call or text anyone!" I could only hear her side of the conversation. "Where are we? Oh umm. On the tour bus?" Her voice went up as she finished her sentence. "Idk John!"
Me and Kylee went into a different room as she started yelling down the phone.

Johnny's POV

Kenzie hung up on me. Great. And I still have no clue where they are. At least I know she's safe. I mean they're safe. Anyways.
"John! There you are! Did you manage to get a hold of Kenz?" That voice was only too familiar. I turned around and saw Hayden,panting, stood right in front of me.

Hayden's POV

I was asleep on the street when I suddenly got a call from Meridith. Mackenzie and the girls were missing. I immediately grabbed my stuff and ran back to the hotel. I was panicking so much and loads of things were rushing through my head all at once that I didn't know what to think. I couldn't think straight at all. I knew that it was all my fault. I broke up with her last night and it really affected her so she persuaded the other girls to run away with her.
As soon as I arrived there, I went to find Johnny. When he turned around and saw me, he didn't look to happy to see me.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" He snapped.
"I heard about the girls going missing and I feel really bad about it. I know its all my fault that Kenz wanted to run away. She was so upset that I dumped her. I can just feel it." I replied with a scared voice.
"Oh my god." He said whilst sort of laughing. It was weird. "You seriously think that she left because you dumped her? You are such a selfish idiot! Not everything is about you, Hayden! Why can't you learn to understand that for once? She never even loved you!" He yelled, a bit too loudly because everyone immediately came running into that room.
"What is going on here you boys?! You're meant to be working together as a team to find the girls! Not yelling at each other!" Darian shouted.
Johnny rolled his eyes and started to walk off. "Oh and by the way, I got a hold of Kenzie. She said she's alright but she doesn't know where she is. The others are with her." Then he left.

Kenzie's POV

It was that afternoon and we suddenly heard the front door open. We were all sat out back and I immediately ran to see what was going on.
"John!" I squealed as I ran into his open arms. We squeezed each other really tightly. "I'm so glad you found us. I was getting so worried and scared that we would never be able to go home."
"Its ok Kenz, I got you." Then he kissed me on the forehead!
I looked up at him with a shocked expression. We stared at each other's eyes for a few seconds and then just hugged each other again.
"Guys! Come through, its just Johnny!" I called through to the girls.
They came running through and Lauren jumped into his arms just like I did.
"I want to go home. Now." She said, whilst panting heavily.
"Ok ok. We're gonna take you girls back to the hotel. Just calm down."

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