Chapter 8: I'm Happy For You

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I was roaming around looking for my shoes. I was going to go today, but the way I was so tired I slept instead. After a 3hours nap i was awake and fresh. I headed to,the,closet and searched for something wear. I hopped in my black leggings and a white tank top with Puma slippers. I headed to the bathroom to get the nap breathe away.

I took a look of my reflection on the mirror for a second. I didnt like the way the person looking back at me was. She looked drained and thinner. Woah. She had faint circles around her eyes, and her eyes were a bit red at the corners. Arrgh. I splashed cold water on my face and brushed my teeth. The music playing on my iPod was amazing, like perfect for the mood i was in.

New day Kathy. Taking things slowly.

Oh, yeah? Even though your prince has a new maiden and she is staying with you. I voice interrupted,in my head. Ugh.

Shut up!  I replied mentally. I think I'm going crazy.

I got out of the bathroom and ordered a pizza for myself. I hadn't talked to Chad nor that prick in two days. Things were really intense in the house. I was sitting on the sofa alone. The house was silent and peaceful, i could finally rest my mind. I was realky tired of everything. I'm glad that I'm alone.

Are you?

Ugh. The door bell rang and i jumped to get the door. I wasn't in much of a good mood, but i was fine. The life was coming back to me slowly but surely. I'm not gonna beat myself up, for a guy who chose to bring his girlfriend over.

Anyways its none of my business.

I opened the door. A guy wearing a uniform smiled at me. He looked young but older than me. He was...cute. He had dark brown eyes, nice dark hair and fair skin complexion. He had a perfect smile that made his eyes twinkle. I looked like crap with messy hair in a bun, leggings, tank top and slippers. Wow.

"Uhm... hi, I'm Jason.. uh.. Pizza delivery for.. Ms. Milton?" He asked. He looked nervous, making him look even cuter. I smiled at him.

"Hey, uh... thanx." I replied shyly. Oh wow. Way to go Kathy. Stupid.  I mentally slapped myself for that.

He handed the pizza to me with a boyish smirk. Aw. Cute. I handed him the money for the pizza and a tip. He smiled at me. He took out a pen and jotted down a few numbers and handed it to me. Oh, his number.

I smiled at the paper and looked up at him.

"Call me sometime.. I would,like to hang out with you Ms. Milton." I smiled at his gesture. It was adorable.

Being 16 years old and going to 17 soon was making a lot of things adorable in my eyes. Like lol Kathy.

"Okay, I'll most definetly give you a c-"

I heard someone clear his throat in the background. He cut me off, while sending daggers to Jason. Well that's rude. I narrowed my eyes at Chad and looked back at Jason.

"Jason... Aern't you supposed to drop the pizza and leave? Does your boss also pay for you to flirt and drop your number?"  Chad snapped glaring at Jason. I looked at the pizza in my arms and i placed it on the kitchen counter.

Jason's jaw clenched and his fists closed in. Holy shit. How do they even know each other?? I rolled my eyes.

"Chad. Nice to see you too." Jason's voice was slightly deeper and it made him look hot. Damn these guys looked good.

Not now Kathy.. we've got a man-down show going on here.

I cleared my throat feeling confidented. Untilllll... both pair of eyes dropped to me.

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