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"Hoowah!" Shawn jumped on the table in the middle of the living room. He held his baguette above his head taking the form of a Japanese samurai. His voice was lower, hoarse. "You shall never beat me young apprentice. I have taught you almost everything."

I laughed deeply and held the two bananas in my hands swing them like nunchucks. I used the same tone, making it sound like I was some animated cartoon from Dragon Ball Z. "But you still know nothing of me, Shawn-ator."

He grinned, "I know far more about you than you'd like to think, Tor-bo."

My knees were bent down as I held the bannanas in front of me. Shawn kept making noises like, Heeya! "You may have never taught me some secret moves of Kung-Fu, but I learned from a different master." I smirked.

He shot me a confused look, "And what master is this?"

"The Tube of You." I made it sound dramatic before I stood straight with my hands crossed on my chest like a mummy in a sarcophagus. "Haaai."

Shawn cursed under this breath. His stance went limp for a moment before he was up and ready again, holding the baguette in front of him. "I shall win Tor-bo!" We both dramatically glanced at the table where the Frappuccino was at. Then we looked back at each other, "The magical Frap from Buck of Stars shall be mine!" He raised the bread over his head and did a war cry.

"Over my unconscious body!" I brought the bananas in front of me and we both did a high pitched cry.

This is what happens when your TV breaks and there's nothing to do.

I was having fun though. About an hour ago our TV had broken for unknown reasons while Shawn and I were watching SpongeBob. Dad had gone down to the basement to see if he could fix it, and while he was working there Blake had gone to Starbucks and gotten us a frap. Sadly, he only got one. So Shawn and I resorted into fighting like ninjas over the frap. He got the large baguette while I held the bananas ready to stab him in the eye.

"What is going on here?" Cole nearly shouted as he walked into the living room. Shawn had stopped the baguette from hitting me, but he held it over my head, frozen in place. As for myself, I was about implant the banana into Shawn's stomach.

Shawn jumped off the table doing a kick in the air before landing in front of Cole. "Hoowah! This is none of your business Cole of the Fireplace." He said with the same tone.

Cole raised his eyebrow and looked at me. "I expect this behavior from him, but you Tori?"

"I have not been called Tori in a thousand millennia." I took a stance, "It's Tor-bo, Cole of the Fireplace."

Cole shook his head, "Your craziness is contagious." He said to Shawn.

Now I could understand why Shawn loved being the way he is. It's fun to act goofy, and act like a kid again. This roleplaying thing over the Frap from Buck of Stars is so stupid. But it's so much fun. It takes every ounce in me not to laugh.

"What are you fighting over anyways?" Cole asked.

"The magical drink." Shawn said. Cole looked clueless so Shawn rolled his eyes and answered, "The Frap from Buck of Stars."

Cole made an O shape with his mouth. "Right...well...I'll leave you two to it." He walked away muttering things under his breath on how weird and crazy we are.

"Now where were we Tor-bo." Shawn asked turning to me.

"Right here. Hiya!" I threw the banana at his face making his stumble back.

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