Hayden Cleves

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Tori's POV

"Where's Shawn?" I asked walking into the kitchen. Cole and Blake were situated around the table while dad and Lilly were still sleeping. Suzie was at Mark's house and I somewhat missed her crazy self. What did worry me the most is why Shawn wasn't home yet. Surely he didn't pull a hump and dump like Cali had said. Or did he?

"I don't know." Cole said folding a napkin in different squares. At first I thought he was answering my mental question but of course it wasn't like he was psychic.

Blake smirked, "He's probably tangled around in Em's bed."

I shook my head in disgust, "Your disgusting. Do you ever think of anything but sex?"

He didn't answer and I ignored his look while I just walked to the fridge to get some milk. "When will he be back?" I asked opening the milk. I went to the cabinet to pull a glass but they were all gone. I glanced at the sink and it was filled with dirty dishes and glasses. Then the dish washer had a glowing red light signifying it was in the middle of a wash.

"Well I can't exactly tell you because he won't pick up the phone." Cole waved his phone in front of us. I jumped on the granite counter and started drinking the milk from the carten.

"Ew don't do that." Cole said shaking his head and looking down at his phone. He started swiping his fingers across the screen and clicking on buttons. "Its bad enough Blake does that." He added not looking up from the small screen.

I shrugged pulling the milk away from my lips and wiping my mouth with my sleeve, "Oh yeah. I forgot he drinks from here too."

Cole looked up, his eyebrows narrowed is disgust. "Doesn't that bother you? I mean he's my brother and it still grosses me out drinking from the same carten as him."

"You two need to stop talking like I'm not here." Blake muttered stabbing his eggs with his fork.

I ignored him for the fun in it and looked directly at Cole. "Not really," I answered with another shurg of my shoulders, "I mean Blake licked that whole piece of pizza once and I still ate it."

Cole shuddered, "Yeah don't remind me. It was gross."

When I glanced at Blake it was the first time I had seen him looking this....awkward. Like he didn't know what to say. He was fiddling with a leather bracelt around his wrist and he had a ring on his finger. It was funny seeing a guy with jewelry. But when I glanced back to Cole I saw he had the same leather bracelt around his wrist.

"What's that?" I said pointing to Blake's bracelet. He gave me a cold stare like he was saying, Bug off. Yet if he really knew me he'd know I never bug off. "What is it?" I asked again.

"These?" Cole asked raising his hand to show the bracelet. I nodded and he chuckled, "Blake, Shawn and I have these. It just has our names engraved on them. Why? Did you never notice them?"

I shook my head, "No I just saw it right now. So Shawn has one too?"

"Isn't that what he just explained?" Blake asked stubbornly.

I ignored him. That seemed to be a usual thing for me. Ignoring Blake the god of the school. Everyone loved his attention, not me. If he suddenly gave me attention or acted differently and nicely around me I'd know something is wrong with him or he's sick.

"What about the ring?" I asked pointing at Blake's finger. "Is that a brother thing too?"

Blake started rubbing the ring between his fingers while Cole just looked at it. "Um...no." Cole said quietly.

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