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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Tadah! Here I am again! This novel will follow the movie: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Yay, another novel in the making! woot! Everything that belongs to be is my story of my made up character Evemina and her story that includes other characters. Everything else belongs to the producers of the movie.

With that out of the way....

*party celebration!* \(^°^)/ Yaaayy BOOM! Confetti!

It's great to be back :)

I hope you like this one!

With Love,



*I Will Always Return*


The coldness of the air breathed against her skin as the lone little girl stared out of her bare window. Her emerald green orbs stared at the celestial bodies hanging brilliantly in the dark sky. The silver beams emitted from the grey moon above, revealed the girl's dingy rags for clothes and her black hair that fell just below her pale chin. Her lonely little heart yearned to those clusters of stars for a friend in her outcast life.

Since she worked for the noble family of Dubois, she no longer had to live under the sky beside the old bakery where her parents made their family nest for warmth and scraps of moldy bread. This home she had inhabited for the short years of her life, she slept in a bed of compacted dirt and thick hay. However the bed was almost always moist due to the miserable England rainy weather. Although the child did not mind this life for her parents loved her with all their hearts and worked so hard for little pay.

Most of the time if the pay was exceptionally scarce, her father would lean back onto his past. A past where he once and is again a thief. All his life he had to steal to stay alive and the only difference now is that there is more mouths to feed. Stealing is very much frowned upon and the last resort for most people who are penniless. Depending on the stolen merchandise a hand can get cut off as a warning, few get hanged for stealing from higher rank or from holy grounds, or if the crime was petty like stealing food usually they are brought to the stocks to be humiliated to the public. It is dishonorable to a family's name to steal. However the little girl could not find it in her young heart to despise her parents or countless others for stealing. Times are tough and have been for centuries for the working class.

Hunger gets the better of all and it had for little Evemina. She had gone that far for something to feed that empty malnourished stomach. Her very being quickly scared away the memory. There was something about that memory that stirred a strange feeling in her heart. Like a dark room and the struggle of getting that candle lit. She tried desperately to find the "flint" to strike for a spark to light her memory up. But it was so... foggy and the very thought of the missing piece created a blinding headache. The child placed a hand to her head sadly as she stared at the night sky.

"Deary, it's time for you to lay down." an older voice spoke just behind the small child, whose voice scattered her memories. The emerald eyes glanced back to a elderly woman with long silver hair, so grey that her strands could be mistaken to be moon beams streaming from her pale rounded head. Her eyes were dark blue like the night time sky and in its depths was twinkles of kindness that never failed to shimmer.

"Yes, Granny," her little voice replied with a cute little smile masking the pain in her heart.

In response to the nickname the girl gave her, the woman smiled lovingly to the child, "Good little child you are, Evemina."

I Will Always Return ~ (A Will Scarlet Love Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now