Chapter Eleven

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~Chapter Eleven~

The Forest Empire

It was a dark day. England was always dark, but this day was even pitch black. However this did not stop a little black haired girl to climb after the older boy up a rather large tree.

"Will, be careful!"

His hazel eyes glanced down to her as he grinned, before he returned to climbing.

Her little hand reached out for another branch as she lifted her foot to the next branch. But all her movement froze at a roar of thunder above. Her emerald eyes quickly peered up to the sky to see dark storm clouds spitting down rain droplets.

"Will!" She cried out to the boy.

"What's wrong, Mina?" He heard the fear in her voice but dismissed it. She was always afraid of climbing trees because of the question whether if a branch is good enough to use to pull herself up or not. He had heard the rumble but to him it was just a storm. It would soon just go away.

Her eyes stared unmovingly at the sky, all of her weight on one branch.


Scarlet heard this sound and glanced down to the fear stricken girl below him. Quickly, he began climbing down to her, "Mina, hold on!"

Evemina on the other hand was far gone in her own world...


Thunder rolled in, vibrating the town of Papplewick. Everyone retreated inside in fear of the sound in the sky."Mommy?"

"Yes, sweetheart?" Hee voice seemed nervous as she glanced up frequently between her daughter and the sky above.

"Why did everyone leave?"

Another crash of thunder sounded above their heads, causing her mother to jump. "A storm is happening in the clouds."

"A storm?" Evemina questioned curiously with a slight tilt of her head.

"It is God. He's angry."

"Why is he angry?"

"Every time we hear a thunder it is God telling us that we sinned. With the roar of thunder and the flash of lightening. He seeks to punish."

The emerald eyes of the little girl widened in fear, "Punish?"

"If lightening hits you... you are the one to be punished and well... You die."

Evemina stared unblinkingly at her mother.


Her eyes quickly flickered upwards to the rumbling dark sky.

"God save us!" a different voice chimed in, causing her to take her eyes off the sky.

A young man hurried to the middle of the street and sat upon his knees before the storm. His arms were spread wide almost to embrace it. "I have sinned, Father. Take me from my place on this Earth." The man called to the dark clouds.

An older grey haired man stalked towards the young man with a cross demeanor, "Get up, boy!"

Evemina kept her petrified gaze on the men.

For a few seconds everything was calm until... a bright white light came from the heavens and struck the older man.

His screams were short as he twitched and struggled. Than suddenly he dropped to the ground... dead.

I Will Always Return ~ (A Will Scarlet Love Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now