Chapter Two

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 AUTHOR'S NOTE: (for people who would like to know) The condition that Evemina is what you would call a 'repressed memory'... it is a memory so traumatic that the brain unconsciously blocks it so the person can cope. It is much like the episode of Rizzoli and Isles: Season 5 Episode 2 where the girl cannot remember any memories that associates with a certain person. Or even Anastasia (the animated movie about the Romanov family of Russia with Dimitri and that cute bat (who I always wanted to hug))... that is if you had a childhood filled with Disney movies and other animations like myself. xD

I have never rode a horse in my entire life... so describing how to prep the horse to ride is not in my knowledge pool and I have found a 'How to" on the steps and tried my best writing them down in my own words but... I have no idea what anything having to do with a horse so... xD

Picture of Verity -->


~Chapter Two~

The Nightmare

Extreme excitement emitted radiantly from the young maiden. A beautiful smile was plastered on her gentle face as she hurriedly packed a large pouch of seventy five silver pieces. That amount for these times is a fortune for a family. Her chest filled with pride as she tied the pouch to her leather belt. The pouch nearly weighed half of a pound. Very light for the amount of pieces in her pouch. The maiden hastily packed for her trip.

Evemina figured she was going to stay with her parents at least one night since it was mid-day already. She never traveled to Papplewick on horseback before, but on foot it took approximately thirty eight hours over the rolling hills of England. She concluded it may take her a day and a half depending if she contains a constant speed. However she would ride through an entire day if her horse gets a fifteen minute water break.

She tied her wool green cloak securely upon her shoulders. England at night was bitterly cold and the weather unforgivable.

The maiden's emerald eyes carefully scanned the large shared room for anything she may have forgotten. Her woollen mattress laid on the dirty floorboard among a line of other mattresses of other servants. The smell in the room always smelled as if a thousand of rats died just beneath the boards. Most likely that could be the reason for the smell, but no one had the time nor the care to rip apart the floor just to rid of a stench that would never go away. Beside her woollen mattress sat a miniature wooden block, that was for her safe to be placed on. She had paid Lord Dubois to buy for her so she could make sure her money was not stolen from other servants. Which did happen frequently behind closed doors especially when Sheriff of Nottingham came into the picture.

Seeing that she had not missed anything, Evemina quickly hurried out of the room with a sack of a pair of clothes in hand and a couple of daggers for protection. The maiden scurried out of the Manor into the courtyard. The courtyard held outdoor vendors, a large pile of hay that piled against the ten foot tall stone wall and the small stables that was built on the side of the Dubois Manor.

Evemina rushed into the stables with one horse in mind, Verity. The black mare and Marian's chestnut mare was gifted to the women truly by Lord Dubois as an achievement of their hard work in training. Unlike Marian's mare called Dame, Verity is a feisty horse and it tends to be very hard to handle her unless it's Evemina. The maiden had a way to soothe the black mare to the point that she would mirror the calmness of an untouched pool of water.

The maiden silently stepped into the stables and immediately the neighs of the mare sounded against every beam. Evemina smiled and her emerald eyes locked with the dark orbs of Verity. She approached the horse still beaming at the entrance announcement that her horse made clearly. Eve set down her sack of clothes before stroking Verity along her dark forehead down to her muzzle. "We are riding to town today, Verity."

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