Chapter Seventeen

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I never went to a martial arts class or any class that teaches you how to fight... so further in the story you'll see a part where I used another's intelligence to write about what some person should do against their opponent and in the story it's italicized. I can write battle scenes ^~^ after studying the hows and what could happens against that sorta of opponent... which is why this chapter was not finished yesterday. I was studying till like 8 and fell asleep. -__-

my bed was just so comfy and warm! >~<

all credit goes to ->


~Chapter Seventeen~

I Will Always Return

The maiden had no idea how long she laid there on the cold floor, but it felt like eternity. Her new wounds mingled with her old, making any slight movement unbearable. Dried tears had already flowed down her cheeks, no more would come out as she silently sobbed at the pain she was under.

Even the slightest breeze of air made the maiden clench her teeth in pain.

Her fingers slowly stroked the ground as she made herself imagine that she was stroking Will's hair to forget the pain. Her muscles ached from the abuse they have been put through from being in a cold dungeon to the severe whipping she had received recently.

She could remember the whoosh and then the snap when the tip of the whip licked her skin. The very thought the maiden cringe in fear that also made her whimper in pain.

The movement of her fingers sped up as she desperately tried to distract herself.

A jingle of metal sounded in the chamber and a hazy glow of a torch illuminated in the dark. It was the sound of the guard making his rounds to check up on her. Once he rounded the corner with a scuff of his boot, she could practically feel the evil eyes staring into the darkness at relatively where she laid.

The familiar deep chuckle bounced off every wall, making her heart pound in her chest as her fear rose. As soon as he came, he left but not till he checked if she was there by bringing his torch to the bars. Again he let out another chuckle before leaving the maiden to suffer alone in the pitch darkness.

The maiden breathed in a deep cleansing breath before staring back to her fingers caressing the cold floor.

Being in this dungeon, Evemina discovered new things about herself.

One: She found out that she has a terrible fear of the dark, being alone, and a whip.

Two: She was also frightened of being locked up in a small space.

Three: Thoughts of Will make most of the pain somehow go away.

And lastly: She was petrified of dying.

Her emerald eyes solemnly stared into the darkness, wishing to the heavens above that this was some messed up nightmare and that she was truly just sleeping in Will's hut.

No matter how many times she pinched her arm, her wish never was declared to be true.

"Will." She whispered softly to no one at all.

Her eyes fluttered close to get some rest for her aching body.

Suddenly a sound startled Evemina out of her rest, her eyes opened to the darkness around her.


Was something happening? If so... what?

"Bring them out!"

I Will Always Return ~ (A Will Scarlet Love Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now