Chapter Five

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my FAVORITE picture of Will :D


~Chapter Five~

The Mysterious Man

Guy of Gisbourne rode through the forest with a smirk. Finally he was going to make his cousin proud by bringing such a prize. He lead his men around the bend to be meet with a sight of pure anger. Two of his best men were laying on ground in pools of their own blood.

As he neared the scene, his cold eyes spotted a groaning, very much alive Sheriff Fredrick Beverley. "What happened?" He sneered distastefully.

Fredrick met the Sheriff's cousin's eyes, "She... She... She kept me alive to relay a message."

"Well speak, fool!"

"This slaughter was a message to the Sheriff of Nottingham of her revenge... and that he will be dead just the same as her parents."

Guy glowered at the message, "Such insolence from a woman!" His eyes glances to his men, "Hunt her down! I want her dead!"

The guards mutter their 'yes sir' before some go into the forest and some thunder down the trail. Guy scoffed at the message as it played in his mind over and over again.

She is a dead woman.


~In A Different Part of the Forest~

Evemina found herself sprawled on the moist forest floor, staring up at the sky that she could scarcely see from the blanket of leaves. She groaned lightly but it came out very... manly.

Her eyes widened at the sound before sitting upright. The maiden was than fast to face with an equally confused face of a man. His eyes were slightly hidden from his hood as he stared at the woman in bewilderment. He had also fallen to his bottoms and now watched her by sitting up. His chin was muscular and had little stubs of hair. He had to be around her age. From what she could see, he is quite handsome for being a dweller of Sherwood Forest.

Will, on the other hand, was going through turmoil to answer a question that had been rattling at his brain since he first look to see what knocked him down.

Why in hell is there a woman in the forest?

The two stare at each other in silence before the sounds of yelling broke Evemina from her trance. She could hardly take in a breath, from the fear that ram through her mind. The terrified woman scrambled to her feet and just when she was about to take off running the path the man had, a strong hand grabbed her arm.

Her hidden emerald eyes glanced back to see the man standing beside her, gazing down upon her with calculating eyes. He stood about five inches taller than her, making her feel like a child under his stern gaze. Will internally debated whether he should just leave the girl alone and don't get tied up in another crime against the Sheriff of Nottingham or help her escape.

But...he had his answer.  She was being chased... by who? That was a question still up in the air and had no time to linger to find out. He could sense that she was frightened and he could not leave her to suffer at the hands of Nottingham.

"Follow me." He whispered seriously.

Connected by his hand holding onto her arm, Will started off running in a different direction... away from the secret camp. What struck Evemina was the mysterious stranger's voice. He had a slightly hoarse tone that brought him to a slight deep tone but still held the boyish sound.

I Will Always Return ~ (A Will Scarlet Love Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now