chapter 3

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As the bell rang she skidded to the room next door, and of course, Lance was sitting in the desk to her left. Groaning internally she went and took her seat next to him.

    “So are you going to tell me the real reason behind the fight?” he asked as soon as she had sat down.

    “I already did, i told you and Shiro.” she said without looking at him.

    “If that was the real reason for that intense of a fight then you wouldn’t have acted the way you had when I dragged you off of her.” he noted.

    “Oh and you know how i should have acted? Because you don’t, you don’t know ME, or my friends. I know that sounds really rude, but it’s the truth, you don’t know anything! Just let it rest ok.” Katherine’s cheeks were flushed by the time she had finished.

Lance looked like he wanted to argue but instead he brushed it off with a slightly funny remark, “Anything you say, my queen.” Rolling her eyes, Katherine focused on the math problems they were supposed to be doing, and as usual, finished before everyone else.

    “How did you do that so quickly?” asked Lance once he finished his paper.

Katherine put down the book she had been reading and replied,

“I don’t know, math is just coming easy to me this year.”

She picked up her book again and continued reading. They didn’t speak for the rest of class and when the final bell rang, Katherine bolted out the door making it hard for Lance to follow.  By the time she had reached the doors leading outside her bus had already pulled up. When she got on Katie had already sat down, she slipped in beside her.

    “Don’t feel bad about the fight ok, it was my idea anyway.” Katie said, immediately after Katherine had sat down.

    “I know but that doesn’t excuse what I did, you could hardly speak for like twenty minutes.” Katherine said in a guilty tone.

    “Hey,” she paused “Don’t beat yourself up over it, i’m fine now, and that’s all that matters.” Katie said trying to reassure her friend.

Smiling with gratitude Katherine changed the subject. “So are you coming over to get ready for tonight?”

    “Yeah, besides, we have to talk about that experiment.” Katherine laughed. The bus pulled up to their spot and both girls got off.

    “See you later.” yelled Katie as she started toward her house.

Sighing, Katherine went to her own house. “I’m home.” she mumbled. As usual no one greeted her but then she heard the sound of little feet as her two nephews ran toward her. They hugged her legs, seeing as how that was about all that they could hug with Katherine standing up. “Hey, Damien, hey Thomas.” she smiled at them and patted their heads. As soon as the excitement of her being home wore off, they both tore off into the living room. Heading upstairs to her mom’s room, she stood in the doorway.

    “So, Katie’s coming over and then we are going to go head out.” She reminded her mom.

    “Who said you could go out?” her mother snapped out.

Katherine, frustrated, replied in a calm of a voice as she could muster, “Last week,” she reminded her mother “ We talked about this, and you said it was fine.”

    “Oh ok, well make sure to be home by eleven.” her mother eased up.

Nodding, Katherine walked down the hall, knowing that Katie would find her when she got here. Sure enough a few minutes later she heard a door open and then close, then foot steps on the stairs. Katie walked into her room and flopped onto her bed.

    “So, I think the experiment went well today, don’t you think?” Katie asked from her spot on the bed.

    “In ways… I still don’t think that the fight proved that Lance likes me, but it most definitely proved that Shiro likes you.” Katherine replied as she pushed things aside in her closet.

    “So you're telling me that i was almost choked to death for nothing!” At the mention of the choking Katherine’s, face darkened. Noticing this Katie stood up and went to stand beside her. “Hey, don’t worry about it, let it go ok? You’re turning emo on me.”’ Katie joked.

Smiling Katherine turned around and held up two shirts. One was a black shirt with a stylish ripped sleeve with red, blue, and green paint splatters. The other one was a red shirt with a artistic gold heart on it, that was sleeveless.

    “Which one do you think I should wear?” Katherine asked holding them both up to her so she could ‘model’ them.

    “What would you wear with the red one?” Katie wondered.

Thinking Katherine went back to her closet and pulled out a black leather jacket and black ruffled skirt. “How about this?”

Grinning Katie nodded her agreement. “Make sure to wear your lace up boots.”

Nodding Katherine went to the bathroom and slid the clothes on, and put some mousse in her hair to make it look a little messy. Walking back to her room Katie had Katherine sit down so that she could do her makeup. Adding some concealer, mascara, some gray eyeshadow, and a little eyeliner, Katherine’s look was done. Heading back to her closet for Katie’s out fit she choose a green shirt that has no sleeves and no back, with a tie up neck, and paired with tan pants and black flats. Then she sat Katie down and put her hair up in a twist with a few strands left down to curl, then she put some light natural makeup on her.

    “Ok,” She pushed her lips together in a smile, “I think we are ready.” Katherine said.

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