08. Kaecillius

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When the two of them walked back inside, Stephen slammed the door shut. He began to make his way upstairs and walked through the halls, Genevieve following behind.

"Hello!" He called out.

They came to the spot where three doorways went and led to different environments. Genevieve stopped as Stephen continued, opening the windows to where the ocean was. He closed it then spun the dial next to the door, changing the environment into a desert one.

Stephen walked passed Genevieve and grabbed onto her hand, pulling her through the hallways of the Sanctum.

"Hello!" Stephen called out again.

"There's no one here. If there were, it should only be the Sanctum's Master." Genevieve told him.

They walked into the relic room. Stephen stopped in front of the floating cape, causing Genevieve to run into Stephen's chest.

A noise from downstairs caused them to stop. Slowly, the two made their way down. The two stopped at the first platform as the building began to shape.

Genevieve could sense the presence of Kaecillius. She saw her friend Daniel, who she had visited on many occasions to the Sanctum. He was now the master of the Sanctum, and Genevieve feared for the worst.

"Daniel," Kaecillius walked in with two of his zealots, "I see they have made you Master of the Sanctum."

"You know what that means?" Daniel challenged.

"That you'll die protecting it." Kaecillius answered and began to form the blade that had killed the master of the London Sanctum.

The other two zealots with him formed the blades and began to attack Daniel. He knocked down the girl, but he fell down to the ground when hit in the leg.

In the blink of an eye, Genevieve saw Stephen jump over the railing, "Stop!" He yelled.

Genevieve jumped after him and froze when she saw Kaecillius stab Daniel. Kaecillius and his zealots looked up towards the two sorcerers.

Kaecillius stood up and looked to the two on the platform. He smirked, "Good to see you Genevieve."

Genevieve rolled her eyes, disgusted, "Can't say the feeling is mutual."

Kaecillius then changed his glance to Stephen, "How long have you been at Kamar-Taj, Mister..."

Genevieve wanted to run down the stairs and help Daniel. The problem was she knew if she did, Kaecillius's zealots would attack her as well.

"Doctor." Stephen corrected.

"Mister Doctor." Kaecillius said.

"It's Strange." Stephen again tried to correct him.

Kaecillius seemed to have to think about it, "Maybe. Who am I to judge?"

Kaecillius then stabbed Daniel one last time. Both Stephen and Genevieve jumped. Stephen tried to form any kind of weapon he could while Genevieve duplicated.

Stephen looked at her, "Didn't know you could do that!"

Genevieve and her doubles smirked, "Well now you do. How do you think I was your assistant and sorceress? I don't have that kind of money to travel."

The two doubles Genevieve created helped to defend Stephen from the two zealots that were coming at him. The real Genevieve went down to check on Daniel.

When she arrived at the bottom of the stairs, she turned him over on his back. She examined his body and saw the wound. She didn't have the materials to patch him up, so she said goodbye one last time.

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