09. The Hospital

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Genevieve held Stephen's arm over her shoulder while his free hand was trying to cover the bleeding wound. He was stumbling as the two walked down the halls and Genevieve was trying her best to keep him up.

Genevieve heard footsteps behind them and saw one of Kaecillius's zealots behind them. He was prepared to attack them, but the Cloak of Levitation wrapped around his heads, keeping him busy. When the man hit the ground, Stephen's sling ring slid and Genevieve duplicated to grab it and then go back to her body.

She used his sling ring to open a portal to the hospital. The portal opened into a supply closet and Genevieve dragged Stephen through.

"Stay with me, please." She pleaded and kissed the top of his bloody head.

The two continued out of the closet, not caring if the portal was still open. Genevieve knew the only one Stephen would want operating on him was Christine.

A nurse saw the two and rushed to them, "Sir, ma'am, can I help you?"

"Get Dr. Palmer, please." Genevieve told the woman.

The woman began to mumbled her words and Stephen yelled, "Where is she?!"

"At the nurses station." The nurse frantically told them and Genevieve nodded to her before taking Stephen to where he needed to be.

"Christine! Help!" Genevieve yelled down the hall.

"Genevieve? Stephen?" Christine saw that Genevieve was struggling and ran to her, "Oh my god. What..."

"We need to get me on an operating table now. Just you." Stephen told her, "Now! I don't have any time!"

"What happened?!" Christine was looking for answers from either one of them.

"Stabbed. Cardiac tamponade." He told her.

Genevieve and Christine got him onto the table, "What are you two wearing?" Christine opened up his shirt and began tapping his chest cavity, "Chest cavity's clear."

"The blood? Is it... pericardial sac?" Stephen asked and Genevieve looked down at him.

Genevieve held onto his hand and could tell he was beginning to loose conciseness, "Hey, breathe. Can't have you dying on me after I told you I loved you." His hand went limp, "No. No no no no no no no! Stephen! Stephen!"

Christine met the eyes of her panicked friend and attempted to shake Stephen awake. Christine moved faster with her movements, seeing as her friend had now broke down in tears.

"Gem, I need you to stay calm and help me out. Alright?" Christine didn't expect a verbal response from her friend. She did in fact get a nod from her.

Genevieve helped in preparing the defibrillator. Just as Christine was about to put the needle in his chest, Genevieve saw his astral projection.

"Just a little higher." Stephen spoke, causing for Christine to jump backwards into the medical equipment, "Please be careful with the needle."

Genevieve's eyes began to water, seeing that he was still somewhat alive. All she wanted was for him to hold her in his arms and comfort her. Nothing about this situation was easy for her. She had almost lost him once before and she couldn't handle the emotional pain that would come if she really lost him. She just knew herself too well.

Christine was still trying to catch her breath, "Stephen? What..what am I seeing?"

"My astral body." Stephen responded, "Genevieve, look at me."

Genevieve looked at Stephen and he noticed her tears. He couldn't do anything in his current form to help her. He had to make it through this, specifically for her.

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