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I rub my sore cheek. It's a flushed red after being hit by Bowers. A smudge of red appears on my hand after touching it. Bev doesn't look much better, and she's nursing a black eye.

"We totally won that." Bev says smugly as we walk over to where the rest of the Losers Club is sitting.

"What the fuck happened to you two? You look like you've been dragged through hell and back." Richie makes a face.

"What the fuck? Oh my God, I knew my fanny pack would come in handy! Oh my God are you okay? (Y/n)? Beverly? Where's my fucking inhaler?" Eddie scrambles to open his fanny pack, and throws out some bandages to reach his inhaler. He takes several breaths.

"We're fine, Eds." I laugh. Eddie launches towards me and starts wiping the tiny amount of blood off my face.

"Oh my God you're bleeding." Eddie looks on the verge of a panic attack as he rips open a bandage and plasters it across my cheekbone.

"Aren't you going to suck the wound?" Richie loses his shit and laughs.

"Fuck off. Beverly, come here." Eddie charges towards her.

"No thanks, I'm fine. I'm not bleeding, maybe (Y/n) needs more attention." Beverly shoots me a sly smile.

"Why? Oh no, I forgot to disinfect it! Okay, this may hurt, I'm going to rip the bandage off." Eddie warns.

"Like hell. I'm fine Eddie, I don't need bandages or disinfectant." I say. Eddie looks worried.

"Yes you do. You're going to die otherwise." Eddie reaches for my cheek and I rear back.

"No I won't." I move to the other side of Richie, who winks at me.

"Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you have a sweet ass." Richie grins smugly.

"Beep b-beep Richie." Bill rolls his eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Eddie asks.

"Positive." I smile at him sheepishly.

"She doesn't need your gazebos anyway, Eddie." Stan cracks a smile and Richie claps his hand like a seal as he silently laughs.

"Shut up, Stanley!"

"(Y/n), get up. I have an urgent matter that needs to be addressed." Bev orders. She stands up and I reluctantly follow her.

"What's up?" I ask.

"You have a crush on Eddie." Bev says with a cheeky grin.

"Shut up! He might hear!" I panic and glance back. The guys instantly all turn away.

"So? You need to talk to him!" Bev encourages.

"I talk to him everyday." I laugh.

"You know what I mean. Tell him!"

"God, Bev, I'm not like you. I'm not as confident, or as pretty. I can't do these things overnight." I say sadly.

"You're kidding, right? When we sunbathe, I don't close my eyes. I can see the boys staring at you, not me." Bev says.

"That's not very reassuring." I say, making a face.

"(L/n)! C'mere for a sec!" Richie yells. I raise my eyebrows at Bev and we walk over to the tree where all the losers are sitting under.

"Eyes up, Tozier." I laugh as Richie's eyes snap up.

"Erm, sorry. Anyway, wanna go to the quarry this afternoon?" Richie asks.

"As a group?"

"No. Just us." Richie winks.

"I'll pass Tozier. I'm afraid someone else has caught my eye." I don't let my eyes flick to Eddie.

"Awe, rats! Who is it?" Richie asks hopefully.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you." I grin.

"It's Eddie." Bev cuts in.

"BEVERLY MARSH WHAT THE FUCK?" I shriek as I turn to her. She smiles innocently.

"Oh. Sorry, did I say that out loud?" She shrugs.

"Eds! Get some!" Richie cheers.

"Eddie, I'm really sorry. It's okay if we don't talk anymore. I didn't mean for you to find out." I say sadly.

"Um. Well. It-its okay. I-I don't mind. I like you t-too." Eddie looks like he'd rather be anywhere but here.

"Wh-what?" I ask in confusion.

"I have a crush on you. Ask Bill." Eddie looks at Bill.

"It's tr-true. H-he's liked you f-for six months now." Bill smiles.

"BILL! SHUT UP!" Eddie shouts.

"Okay, we get it. You going to ask her out, Eddie?" Stan looks amused.

"Um. (Y/n), do you wanna be my girlfriend? I get it if you don't want to." Eddie makes a grab for his inhaler.

"Yes! Thought you'd never ask!"

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